Underarm fat: exercises to get rid of it easily

Underarm Fat: Many people don't like to see this, and it develops even in those who are considered slim. In fact, there are many causes of an excess of adipose tissue (that protrudes a little under the armpits) that develops immediately above and on the sides of the chest. It can be an excess of weight, as well as the simple, natural distribution of fat in the body - which varies from person to person. Again, at the root of the problem there may be hormonal issues, posture issues, enlarged glands; it may be breast tissue that appears to be in excess when in fact it is not, but it could very well be an underlying factor caused by a poorly fitting bra.
So, if it is not a question of an excess of adipose tissue (underarm fat) due to a lifestyle that is a little too sedentary, it could be that this problem can be solved by simply choosing the right clothing - from a bra to the armholes of dresses and tops that are cut in a way to cover that part that we don't like seeing. And, basically, it is always worth remembering that, beyond personal health conditions, all imperfections are basically normal: negative perceptions of one's body - but which in reality are not necessarily something abnormal - should not be fixated on. But if you want to challenge yourself to get rid of reduce as much of this underarm fat as possible, you can integrate some targeted exercise into your physical activity routine to do this.

All exercises that are done with weights to tone the inside of the arms also work for the armpits and the lateral muscle bands of the chest: therefore lifts - especially lateral ones - will be very effective. And you can do these with proper weights, but also with bottles of water of various sizes or even bottles of detergent (which are unopened, so that they have the same weight when you train).
Remember that your movements must be slow and measured, and it is better to start with a doing only a few, performed without jerking on the muscles (and preceded and followed by a bit of stretching warm-ups), rather than immediately pushing yourself too hard and killing your desire to continue.
Some weight exercises to try:
- While sitting or standing with your back straight, keep your forearms at your sides and the weights in front of you, with your arms bent at 90 degrees. Raise and lower the weights, bringing them in and out from the shoulders.
- Raise the arms to the sides of the head, with the weights in your hands, and bend them backwards by flexing the arms so that the weights descend towards the neck. Return to the starting position and repeat.
- One at a time, or with both arms together, start with your arm stretched out at your sides and, without flexing it, raise it to the side until it is at shoulder height.

These exercises will also help you (also show in this tutorial):
Downward facing dog
- Get on all fours on the mat, with your hands positioned under your shoulders.
- Slowly push on your palms and lift your hips while straightening your legs, and with your feet still planted on the ground. The two parts of the body should form straight lines, as in a triangle where the base is the mat and the top is your hips. Take a deep breath.
- As you exhale, push on your hands and move your shoulders back and down, away from your ears. Remain in this position while breathing slowly 3 times.
- Without moving your hands and feet, push yourself forward, as if now the apex of the triangle has become the neck and the weight passes to be supported by the arms. Breathe twice and slowly return to the next position.
- Slowly, return to rest your knees on the mat.
Push-ups with a chair
- Sit on a chair, or sofa, or on the edge of the bed or (better) a bench or low wall.
- Place your hands on the sides of your hips so that they grab the edge of the object.
- Move your body forward, so that it no longer rests on the object, while your hands remain in place.
- Lower yourself so that you move your hips towards the floor, and flex your arms behind you.
- Push your body up again.
- Continue this slowly, repeating the exercise 20 times.
Watch Emi Wong's tutorial to discover many other useful exercises to eliminate underarm fat.