Flat stomach in record time? The two week TikTok challenge

Of all the social network platforms, TikTok is perhaps the one where issuing challenges (or "HTC's") reigns supreme. These are challenges, which push users to compete with each other through using choreography, imitations and even gymnastic exercises. The challenge issued in the videos uploaded by a Vietnamese personal trainer, named ThanhLê, falls into the latter of these categories.
In fact, in her feed there are several clips that show her together with the students of her fitness classes in which the woman teaches them how to repeat simple movements of the abdomen. The promised result is to significantly and visibly burn off abdominal fat within two weeks. Read on to find out more:

Video tutorial via @catun2509/TikTok
What does the challenge consist of?: it is a two-movents exercise, with two pairs of different manipulations. It begins by quickly alternating a contraction of the abdomen with a distension, moving only the torso and not the rest of the body; the second pair of movements, on the other hand, involves the sides of the abdomen, always with alternating and mirroring certain movements.
- Contract the abdomen by bringing the belly in, arching the back a little and bringing the shoulders and pelvis slightly forward.
- Immediately after this, do the exact opposite - pushing the belly out and pulling the shoulders and pelvis back.
- Repeat this sequence several times quickly. Then move on to the second sequence: it is similar, so it always involves the alternation of contraction and relaxation of the abdomen but it must be done in a way that also combines a slight twist of the torso.
- As you contract, turn your shoulders to the right and your hips just in the opposite (left) direction. And viceversa.
The first pair of movements are best understood by watching this video. The second, which almost seems like the movement that the upper body makes during a brisk walk (but with the feet remaining still and the legs kept together), is instead better illustrated in this other TikTok video, which, as it happens, went viral on the internet.
It's a very simple movement indeed, but does it really work? In reality, the opinions expressed online by fitness experts are a bit mixed: certainly this exercise can help a lot to tone the abdomen, but to have the effect of sculpting the belly and getting to achieve a flat stomach is usually combined with other exercise routines that involve the larger groups of muscles - and which are supported by a balanced diet and the right amount of sleep.
In short, however, it certainly does not hurt to do this exercise and indeed it could be an excellent starting point for those who lead a sedentary life and are not at all used to exercising. Would you try this workout?