Don't have time for the gym? With 4 exercises daily, you can get back in shape in just a month

When the hectic pace of work, studying and family life take over, it is not always possible to find time to deal with our well-being - yet every day we should have at least half an hour (or an hour is better) to devote to doing a little exercise. Physical activity is essential for a healthy life, even if it involves making some sacrifices.
If you can't go to the gym or a swimming pool, however, you can always follow some simple training program at home, at no almost zero cost. You just need a mat and the fortitude not to give up. With a balanced diet and some planning, even just doing a 4-exercise routine every day can visibly transform your body in a month. Read on to find out more:

It must be clarified from the start that, although engaging in this type of exercise routine is certainly beneficial for the body, it is not a like-for-like substitute for aerobic activity (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling) performed regularly and supplemented with a healthy diet, calibrated for our physique. Notwithstanding this, these exercises are beneficial and can be done at home (or in the park!) in just 30 minutes:
- The Plank: This is the exercise that involves the whole body and that seems impossible to perform for more than a few seconds when starting, but it is all a matter of habit. Without rushing to achieve great results right away, you can start at 10 or better 20 seconds and increase a little each day. Lie on your stomach, with the weight supported by the forearms lying on the ground, the elbows under the shoulders. Keep your legs straight and feet on the ground, then lift your pelvis and pull your body into a straight line from the neck to the feet. Maintain in this position, without arching your back or lowering your pelvis for as long as necessary.
- Push-ups: This exercise also involves the whole body. Start as if you were doing a plank, always with your body straight and your feet on the ground. Straighten your arms to lift yourself up, then flex your arms to bring your whole body closer to the floor, without arching your back or lowering your pelvis. Go back to straightening your arms and continue doing this for at least 20 times.
- Dog-Bird Sequence: Get on your knees on the mat and rest on your hands, which will be under your shoulders. Push the right leg as if to give a kick and at the same time stretch the left arm forward, in line with the shoulders. You can look forward or down, but don't bend your body so that your back stays straight. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement 5 times. Then do the same by reversing your arms and legs 5 more times. We should repeat the series at least one more time and then increase in number over time.
- Squats: Squats are great for working out the leg muscles as well as the glutes. Start standing, with your feet a little wider than your shoulders and your toes pointing just out. Keep your stomach in and your chest out, and find your balance. At this point, bend your knees and drop down with your pelvis as if you would like to sit down. The back naturally leans forward but must remain straight. Slowly descend until your thighs are in a horizontal position, parallel to the floor. Slowly straighten your legs and return to the starting position. It is recommended to do about twenty squats a day.
With a little persistence you can achieve excellent results!