Essential oils for a healthy and shiny head of hair: find out which are the most useful

by Mark Bennett

May 11, 2022

Essential oils for a healthy and shiny head of hair: find out which are the most useful

Who wouldn't want to always have healthy and shiny hair to show off? But sometimes there are stress factors in our daily life, or even problems deriving from a non-ideal diet and many other reasons that can make our hair duller and lifeless. While there is no miracle elixir that can change this with a single treatment, we can adopt some habits that will help our hair grow stronger and even a little faster than usual.

In fact, we can integrate the occasional use of essential oil into our hair care routines: there are several plants, in fact, whose properties are exploited specifically for the health of hair. Find out some of the most useful ones below:


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  • Lavender: Some laboratory studies have shown that lavender can stimulate hair cell growth, as well as reduce stress. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which are beneficial for scalp health.
    How to use it: in a small bowl, pour 3 tablespoons of a vegetable oil suitable for hair (sweet almond, olive, coconut) and add 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil. Apply by massaging directly onto the scalp and wait 10 minutes before proceeding with your usual washing routine.
  • Rosemary: you can use this plant's oil in the same way. Rosemary has beneficial effects on the speed of growth but also on the thickness of the hair. It is recommended to use an oil massage as indicated above, but no more than a couple of times a week.
  • Ylang ylang: this product is excellent for those who tend to have drier scalp, because it stimulates the production of sebum. In fact, when too little natural hair oild is produced, it can become brittle and break easily.
    Mix 5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil with a little vegetable oil (the ones listed above for lavender will do). Massage the mixture into the scalp, wrap your hair in a towel and leave it on for at least half an hour, then you can wash as usual.
  • Peppermint: This oil can increase blood circulation to the scalp, which is critical for hair health. Two drops of peppermint essential oil in a couple of tablespoons of carrier oil will suffice (use the same ones indicated for the other remedies above), and after massaging in, you can wash your hair as normal after waiting only five minutes.

Essential oils are usually easily found in health food stores or even online. Always remember to rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner to eliminate any oil treatment residue so you don't end up with greasy hair. Also, make sure you do not have allergic reactions to any of these ingredients, perhaps by trying the treatment on a small portion of the scalp and waiting 48 to 72 hours to observe the onset of any negative symptoms.
