If you have cracked heels, try some natural home remedies

Cracked heels not only blemish our body, but can also cause various kinds of aches and pains. They typically appear where before there were only calluses. The hard, dry part of the skin of the foot that often forms on the heels, when the fat underneath expands, leads to the formation of the cracks typical of cracked heels.
At the root of this problem there can be various factors: standing every day for many hours, walking barefoot or with open shoes, but even taking long and hot showers, using aggressive soaps or wearing shoes that do not fit properly or that do not give the right support to the heels. Environmental conditions (cold, humidity) or medical problems can also affect them. In addition to moisturizing your feet regularly, how do you fight cracked heels? Natural remedies such as those listed below can be used:

The best treatment is always by means of balms designed specifically for this part of the body, which are generally comprised of urea, salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids. Use of these balms is usually recommended and approved of by a doctor (podiatrists).
Also, you can try these methods:
- Foot bath / foot spa: To soften and hydrate the skin, put your feet in warm water for 20 minutes, then use a bath sponge or pumice stone to remove hard parts. Pat your feet dry and apply a conditioner or cream. You can also use petroleum jelly (vasoline) to retain the moisture in the skin. You will need to wear socks to avoid dirtying the sheets (this treatment is best done before going to sleep). Into the foot bath you can also put a little white vinegar.
- Honey: after have kept your feet in water like the foot spa described above, massage them using a spoon or two of honey - or use the honey as a compress overnight and then rinse off.
- Coconut oil: this oil must also be massaged into the foot and left on overnight. In addition to being moisturizing, coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, and is also useful for a foot spa.
- Olive oil, or other good quality vegetable oil (almonds, for example): they help to hydrate.
- A cream based on pureed bananas, is also moisturizing. You can add some honey.
- To exfoliate (after taking a foot bath), you can use oil and oats.
Have you ever had problems with cracked heels?