With just 5 quick exercises you can transform your body in a month: find out what they are

Taking care of your health means paying attention to what you eat but also not forgetting to exercise is key. In addition to doing twenty or thirty minutes of walking a day, (or something similar which falls short of actually running) or cycling / swimming several times a week, it is also possible to work out at home, with simple exercises that use only a few minutes every day.
In fact, even 10-15 minutes a day of measured and regular exercises can be enough, without overdoing it. And working out like this every day for four weeks, you will notice many differences. Find out below which exercises can transform your physique in a just one month:
Push ups:
- Get on your knees on a mat, with your hands under your shoulders and your arms straight, then stretch your legs out behind you until only your toes touch the floor.
- Flex your arms so that your whole body is brought down closer to the floor.
- Return to the starting position by straightening your arms.
This is an isometric endurance exercise that consists of holding a given position for a longer and longer periods of time. If practiced consistently, it can lead to a visible reduction in the size the stomach and back, while it strengthens and tones the body.
- Kneel on the mat, bend forward to support the torso on the arms resting with the palms on the ground, positioned under the shoulders.
- Extend your legs, placing your feet on the ground. You will need to reach a position where your body forms a straight line from the neck to the feet.
- Hold this position for ten seconds, increasing each day by a few seconds daily to the maximum you can handle.
For working on the leg muscles as well as the glutes, squats are a perfect exercise.
- Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your shoulders and with the toes pointing outward. Keep your stomach in and your chest out, and find your balance.
- Flex your knees, pushing your butt down and out as if you would like to sit down. Slowly descend until your thighs are in a horizontal position, parallel to the floor.
- Slowly straighten your legs and return to the starting position.
Dog-bird sequence
- Start by getting on all fours on the mat, with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
- Push your right leg back as if to kick (but slowly) and, at the same time, stretch your left arm forward. Your eyes should look down, but you must not bend the neck: the back must remain in a straight line from the head to the buttocks.
- Return to the starting position without resting the leg on the ground (if you can), then moving both the leg and the arm towards the center of the body. If you can, try to bring the knee up towards the chest.
- After 5 (or more) repetitions, switch to using your left leg and right arm, and repeat 5 more times.
Buttocks bridging
- Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing your heels close to your buttocks, with your feet planted on the ground.
- Rest your arms at your sides with your palms on the ground.
- Using your abs, lift your hips upward to create a straight line between your hips and thighs. You don't have to lift your back too much and don't bend your neck - just move your lower body.
- When you are more used to it, you can also add the movement of the raising your arms above you.
When embarking on any training program, however short, it is important to exercise consistency in the first few days and weeks (when the will to continue tends to falter). And above all, don't try too hard and risk getting hurt: little by little the body will adapt and will be able to give us more satisfaction. Just don't give up!