Slim belly, legs and hips: discover the best and most targeted exercises to get results

Each of us has parts of the body which, depending on our constitution, lifestyle and age, seem to attract fat more easily than others. Whether it is the belly, the hips or maybe the legs - for each of us there is a point at which some part of us needs more focus when it comes to exercising. And there are specific exercises that are more suitable than others to lose weight and strengthen the muscles in those problem areas.
Any targeted exercise, however, cannot be performed in isolation: it is always necessary to warm up a little beforehand, even if just with some stretching. And, in any case, to get to lose weight it is also essential to combine an exercise routine with a few weekly running sessions of 20 or 30 minutes, (or a similar amount of time spent on a bicycle [even an exercise bike is just fine]).
For the flanks (laterals, "lats")
- Side planks: this is a version of the normal plank, the quintessential isometric exercise. Instead of leaning on both hands looking at the floor, you stand on one arm and look forward. It generally helps to keep the other arm raised high. To make the exercise more effective, you can also move your pelvis up and down.
- Side crunches: these are a form of exercise similar to that for the classic abdominals, which however involves lifting the body only a little (about 30 ° from the floor). To act on the hips, and also to make love handles disappear, side ones are made. Lie on the ground on one side and keep the leg touching the floor straight while the other rests with the foot on the ground to help leverage the upper body. Then lift the torso off the floor, sideways, and come back down. Over time you can do the exercise by keeping both legs extended, and then also lifting them at the same time as the torso. To be repeated 10 times on each side.
For the stomach
- Crunches: these are a more circumscribed movement than the classic exercise for the abdominals, ideal for starting to move that part of the body, when it is not possible to lift the whole torso up to sit down. In fact, the crunch consists of starting lying on the ground supine, and lifting the trunk of just 30 ° from the floor, then slowly returning down. The arms remain at your sides, then over time you can bring them behind your head.
- Reverse Crunch: the trunk remains stationary on the ground, and instead raise the legs until they are bent 90 °, with the knees above the hips. From this starting position, move them towards your chest and come back.
These are exercises to be repeated about ten times, and always using the abdominal muscles to move the desired body part.
For the legs
- Jump Squats: after bending over like a normal squat, go back up and jump, and start over right away. Remember to keep your torso erect without twisting your back, and to maintain a rhythm that does not make you tire immediately. Repeat 10 times.
- Jumping Jack: a faster and more dynamic exercise, whereby you jump by moving your arms and legs together. Start standing, with your arms at your sides, then spread your legs by jumping and at the same time raise your arms to join them above your head. Return to the starting position again by jumping, and repeat the sequence 10 times.
It is also very useful to jump rope for about five minutes.