Do you want to reduce your waistline? Find out here the best exercises to do to reduce abdominal fat

After a period of hearty eating, or even just because time passes or the pace of life becomes more sedentary, it is normal to notice that one's waistline increases. The more the years pass, the more muscle mass makes room for body fat, and it becomes difficult to keep weight gain at bay, especially in the abdominal area.
Furthermore, what we notice with a bigger waistline is almost always a symptom of the presence of visceral fat, or the adipose tissue located in the space between the internal organs, which can affect cholesterol levels, and carries the risk of type 2 diabetes, apnea or even heart problems. It is therefore good to keep the bulge at bay with a healthy lifestyle, and if you want to act the waistline in particular, there are some physical activities that are more useful than others.

First of all, you should always set aside half an hour a day for physical activity: a brisk walk, running, cycling, or swimming may suffice.
In addition to the aerobic activities indicated above, there are also cardio exercises, such as the so-called HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. The name indicates a type of high-intensity training interspersed with low-intensity sections or rest. Generally, you alternate phases of 30 seconds of strenuous effort with another 30 seconds to recover with easier exercises. This is an excellent method for weight control, the elimination of visceral fat and therefore for the overall health of the body. Online you can find several tutorials that explain how to do them even at home.
Then there are the specific exercises for the abdominals, such as the 60-second plank, bicycle crunches, abdominal crunches and leg raises.
Again, in the gym you can concentrate on some types of weight lifting: weight lifting to train the biceps by flexing the arm (bicep curl), lunges done holding weights, squats with weights, kickbacks with dumbbells.
When you are just starting off: even just a few minutes of walking a day, as long as they are constant and every day quickly becomes a quarter of an hour and then half an hour. The important thing is not to push too hard right from the start, but to slowly reach and maintain small goals with patience, and our body will thank us.