Get your day off to a great start with some easy and relaxing stretching - find out how here

Not everyone can jump out of bed full of energy to face the day, even when they've slept sufficient hours. Sometimes, then, the posture we keep all day sitting at the desk or the one we have while sleeping makes us wake up with some discomfort, or, more simply, when we wake up we find some part of our body numb or stiff.
Many people dispel the feeling of sleepiness by doing sports, but simple stretching movements, carried out regularly, can help us start the day in the right way, relieving the stiffness of our body and giving a burst of energy without necessarily having to take the time for a full workout . And even those who run or swim will benefit from a little preparation with some easy and slow stretching movements, well within everyone's reach and capabilities.
Fetal position
Taken from yoga practice, where it is also called Balasana, this position promotes relaxation of the body by stretching the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and erector muscles of the spine.
- Kneel on the ground, and place your hands on the mat in front of you.
- Lower yourself down to sit on your heels, leaning comfortably.
- Without lifting your buttocks, slide your hands forward, extending your arms in front of you and put your head between your elbows, looking down. You will end up resting your belly on your thighs.
- Breathe slowly and deeply, relaxing your body where you feel tension. Remain in this pose for a minute.
The dog and cow poses
- Inhale slowly and then as you exhale arch your back upward, trying to hold your belly and lower your head so that you are looking towards your chest. All movements must be slow and fluid. In this way, you stretch the back and neck, as well as stretching the spine.
- As you inhale, hold your shoulder blades together and release your belly so that your back curves downward. You can also look up. You will be relaxing your shoulders, and stretching your chest and torso muscles.
Downward dog
If you suffer from sciatica, this pose is useful to relieve pain, and it will make you use the muscles of the arms and shoulders, involving the wrists and the center of gravity.
- Get on all fours on the mat, with your hands under your shoulders.
- Push on your palms and lift your hips by straightening your legs, with your feet still planted on the ground. Do it slowly, and if you can't keep your legs straight you can lift your heels a little the first few times. The important thing is never to force yourself to the point of pain. It will help you spread your feet a little bit (not too much). The two parts of the body will form straight lines, as in a triangle where the base is the mat and the top is your hips. Take a deep breath.
- As you exhale, push on your hands and move your shoulders back and down, away from your ears. Don't move your spine, which will remain straight like your legs.
- Remain in this position, breathing slowly 3 times.
- Without moving your hands and feet, push yourself forward, as if now the apex of the triangle becomes the neck and the weight passes to be supported by the arms. Breathe twice and slowly return to the other position.
- Slowly, return to rest your knees on the mat.
3-legged dog
It is a pose that can be done after a few days of getting fit using the earlier techniques, and which uses all the muscles of the body.
- Stand in the Downward Dog pose (see above), with your hands and feet firmly on the mat.
- As you inhale, raise your right leg, which must come to be stretched above and behind you as if to continue the line of the back. You can also stop earlier if you can't raise it any higher.
- If you can, bend the right knee and rotate the leg bringing the foot towards the butt. Also do a small twist of the body to the left, in order to stretch the entire right side of the body.
- Exhale by placing the right leg back on the ground.
- Inhale and do the same with the left leg.
The mountain
This is a position used to regain strength and find balance.
- Stand on the mat, spreading your feet so that they are shoulder width apart.
- Extend your arms to the sides of your body, and turn your palms forward.
- As you bring your shoulder blades back and open your chest, shift your weight slightly onto your heels.
- Return to the original position and then switch between the two several times, inhaling and exhaling.
Forward bend
This is used for the muscles of the legs and pelvis, and is a simple and useful pos
- Begin in the Mountain pose (see above).
- Bring your feet together (keeping them slightly wider helps in the beginning).
- Bend your torso forward, keeping your legs straight. Get down as far as you can with your head towards your feet and resting your chest on your thighs. Initially, you won't be able to fully fold your body, but with a little practice it won't be too difficult.
- You can leave the arms along the legs touching with the toes or palms on the ground, or even grip the ankles.
- Maintain balance and stay in this pose by breathing deeply 4 or 5 times