How to use and recycle tumble-dryer fabric softener sheets

by Mark Bennett

September 01, 2024

a fabric softener sheet held up in front of a dryer



Anyone who has a tumble-dryer at home has probably used fabric softener sheets to perfume and soften the laundry. These sheets generally work well, but are usually thrown away once used. But did you know you can usefully recycle used dryer sheets? Let's explore this topic in detail below:

What are fabric softener sheets and how are they used?

Fabric softener sheets are sheets of fabric soaked in perfumes, lubricants and silicone-based fabric softening products. When these sheets come into contact with the clothes in the dryer, these products are released onto the garments. And this is why laundry comes out of the dryer smelling fresh and feeling soft.

Additionally, these sheets also help to reduce static electricity and reduce the creasing of the fabrics.

Given that the majority of the brands of dryer sheets are made from, and contain, substances that are not exactly eco-friendly, recycling them can be a complex matter. That said, there are some brands available that much more eco-friendly (if somewhat more expensive).

When it comes to use, the key is to be judicious - "less is more", so to speak. Just one sheet is enough for an average load of laundry, in most cases. However, if your dryer can take a large load, you might consider adding more sheets: the quantity of sheets to use can be roughly determined by using the "armful" method: for each armful of laundry you can comfortably transfer to the dryer, insert one sheet.


How to recycle fabric softener sheets

a fabric softener sheet being used to dust the skirting boards


Once used in the dryer, the sheets will have released many of the products they were impregnated with. Given this, you can do the following with them: 1) put two or three used sheets in the next dryer load, or 2) use them for other chores around the home. This latter use can include:

  • Using them as dusters: dust skirting boards, shelves and anywhere else you would use a regular duster!
  • Perfuming your sofas: since they will still be scented, you can put used dryer sheets under or between the cushions of your sofas or armchairs to perfume them!
  • As air fresheners: in addition to scenting your sofas, used sheets can help neutralize any unpleasant smells in many other areas of the home. Consider using them to freshen up the insides of closets, drawers and even inside shoes that you've stored away. You can even put them in luggage you take on holiday (and especially if you're coming back with a few "pungent souvenirs"!). To boost this function, you can also add two or three drops of an essential oil to the sheets, which will readily absorb the oil and release the scent gradually.
  • To clean the windows: used dryer sheets can be used to remove dust and light grime from windows, mirrors and other glass surfaces.
  • To clean the bathroom: dryer sheets can be used to remove soap residue from all of the surfaces in your bathroom, including the shower cubicle.
  • Picking up hair and pet fur: just as floor rags pick up hair and pet fur from the floor, used dryer sheets can also do this job effectively.

So, as you can see, there are many reasons not to throw away your used fabric softener sheets, right?
