Create more space in your garage by using the right cleaning-up methods

by Mark Bennett

August 20, 2024

A perfectly neat and clean garage



Those lucky enough to have a garage typically use this extra space to store away seasonally-used objects (like Christmas decoration, for example), amongst other things. That said, the full potential of a garage is not always realized, and often just devolves into a crowded, messy "dumpsite".

Well, you'll be glad to know that it's actually easy to keep your garage clean and tidy, and we explain how below:

Where to start

Before proceeding with the actual cleaning, there are some preliminary steps you need to take:

  • mapping of intended use: evaluate the intended use of your garage, so that you can create a map (in your head or on paper) of what you want to keep where; having a place for each object (or "classes" of objects) will help you maintain order in the long term;
  • start from scratch: choose a sunny day for this chore so that you can completely empty out your garage, taking all the contents outside so that you can evaluate their actual usefulness;
  • selection: select the objects that you actually need and throw away anything that is broken or unusable; anything that can still be used but that you don't want, can be given away or sold;
  • deep cleaning: perform a deep cleaning of the entire (now empty) garage, working from top to bottom and getting into those spots that are usually neglected.


Making the most of vertical space

Shelves on the side walls of a garage, taking advantage of vertical space


To maintain order and cleanliness more easily, remove all bulky objects from the floor and use all the available vertical space to store your possessions on wall-mounted shelves, racks and cabinets. Use wall hooks for all your tools and sports equipment that can be hung up, grouping them by function (for example, put all your garden tools in one spot).

Repair and replace

While doing the deep cleaning, it's also the perfect time to repair and replace any worn-out and/or broken storage containers or shelving in your garage.

Additionally, you can "freshen up" your garage by repainting the walls, removing stains or signs of wear. Repair any cracks in the floor and make sure that the doors and windows are intact by repairing and/or repainting their frames.

This is also the moment for you to reorganize the different areas of your garage, making sure to that the containers and shelves you need are present, installed and in good condition.

Use of the ceiling

Ceiling-mounted storage shelves


The ceiling can also be a great place to store some of your possessions, freeing up valuable floor space. Installing ceiling-mounted shelves or rails will allow you to store away items you use only occassionally, like Christmas decorations, camping supplies, or toys and equipment that you only use during the summer. Even bicycles can be hung up from the ceiling, freeing up floor space and keeping them in good condition for longer.

Keeping your garage neat and tidy in the long term

A neatly organized garage with wall-mounted shelving


Once you have completed the deep cleaning and tidying-up of your garage, how can you keep it orderly in the long term? Well, if you follow the "rules" below, you can achieve this goal:

  • regular cleaning: create a weekly cleaning schedule for your garage, so that dirt, grime and disorder don't have a chance to accumulate ;
  • everything in its place: put away all the objects you use immediately after use - this will leave the floor and working surfaces free and it will be much easier to maintain order;
  • labels: use labels to identify the contents of each container or shelf - this will allow you to save time and make it easier for all the members of your family to know where to to find/put back items that they need and use;
  • dispose of the garbage regularly: throw away broken or unusable items asap to prevent them from building up into a messy "pile of junk".

What strategies do you use for cleaning and organizing your garage?
