How to steam clean a sofa: follow these steps for great results

by Mark Bennett

August 15, 2024

cleaning a sofa with a vacuum cleaner



Dust, sweat, dead skin cells, hair, crumbs: there are an infinite number of things that can dirty sofas, and the best way to clean them - especially when their fabric covers are not removable - is with steam cleaning tools. But to do this job properly, you need to be organized. Let's check out some useful tips to remember if you're going to steam clean your sofas at home.

How to prepare to steam clean your sofa

Since most sofas are usually quite large and bulky, you need to be properly organized when you go about cleaning them. Routine cleaning of sofas should be done at least a couple of times a year, unless there are factors that make it necessary to do it more often: for example, if you have young kids or pets at home, their "oopsies" may mean you have to clean your sofas more frequently. Here are some tips to remember as you begin this cleaning chore:

  • Choose a warm and sunny day to do this cleaning so that you can open the windows, ventilate the room and allow the fabrics on the sofa to dry out more quickly. If you can move the sofa outside, so much the better!
  • Clear the sofa: remove cushions, cushion covers, throws and blankets from the sofa (which you will wash separately, if possible).
  • "Dismantle" the sofa: if you can remove the sofa cushions (even if the covers are not removable), do so and place them to one side (perhaps on a protective sheet). Line the cushions up so that you can clean them one by one and without having to move them around - think of it like you're setting up an assembly line in a factory!

Once done with the above, prepare the cleaning equipment you'll need:

  • Vacuum cleaner: if you don't have one, then use some suitable brushes to remove the bulk of the superficial dirt (ie. brushes with silicone or soft bristles).
  • Microfiber cloths.
  • Steam cleaner.
  • Water: your steam cleaner may need distilled water - make sure you check the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Optional: a suitable detergent for the steam cleaner. Not all steam cleaners use a detergent, but those that do, generally need specific products - again, check the manufacturer's instructions.


How to steam clean your sofa

treating a sofa with a steam cleaner


Steam cleaning a sofa is relatively simple, and it is always best to start by cleaning the "bare" framework first, moving on to the cushions and backrests once you've dealt with this. Proceed as follows:

  • Vacuum up superficial dirt and grime: make this task easier and quicker by using each nozzle attachment needed in sequence over the frame of the sofa (ie. try to avoid having to swap back and forth between the same vacuum attachments multiple times);
  • Steam clean: turn your steam cleaner on and wait - if necessary - for it to build up the head of steam pressure it needs to operate properly.
    If your steam cleaner uses water only, you can get going cleaning your entire sofa using slow, steady, smooth passes of the appliance. As you do so, you'll see that the longer you linger on a spot, the wetter it will get. When you have finished a first pass, you can repeat the process (if necessary) and/or go back to treat any lingering marks/stains.
    If, on the other hand, your steam cleaner uses a specific detergent, it is best to proceed by soaping and washing/vacuuming in a series of small sections.
    Be sure to consult the manufacturers' instructions for the correct method to use.
  • With a soft cloth, remove any residual dirt or soap and dab any wet spots dry.
  • Allow your sofa to dry out completely (which will take at least a few hours). Avoid placing cushions, blankets, throws, etc back on the sofa until everything has dried out properly. Trapped, residual humidity could cause mold and unpleasant odors to develop.

Sometimes, you'll notice some areas that need to be treated again after the sofa has dried out: make sure you have allowed time in your cleaning timeline for this eventuality.

When you only have to treat small residual stains, you can use a smaller, hand-held steam cleaner for this task (if you have one), thereby avoiding getting large areas of the sofa damp!
