The ultimate decluttering method: have you tried using the "Out in the Open" approach?

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Decluttering and organizing (or tidying-up): these terms are often used as synonyms, but they're not exactly the same. Before tidying up, you need to declutter, ie. chose what to keep and what to get rid of. But how is this choosing best done? Well, this can be the sticking point for many, and especially for those who tend to be "pack rats". That said, the first thing to do to start decluttering is to get everything "out in the open". What does this mean? Well read on to find out more:
"Out in the open": a minimalist principle
The "Out in the Open" method means putting everything on view/in clear sight and became famous thanks to two American authors, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (aka "The Minimalists"). These two are famous minimalists and have coached many in this "life philosophy".
The overall method is actually really simple, and Joshua Fields Millburn can be seen explaining it in a popular video: "We took everything we had in our furniture out of the drawers and off the shelves and scattered all these things in clear sight on the floor. That's why we call it the "everything in sight, everything out" method. And as soon as we had everything out and in plain sight, what happened? Well, it forced us to deal with the issue".
Everything out in plain sight: why it works

Imagine having to deal with a closet full of clothes (or other objects) that have been in a chaotic, jumbled mess for years. Trying to get something out of a closet like this creates even more mess as you have to "rummage and dig around" looking for what you need. And once the door is closed, it's a case of "out of sight, out of mind". And the situation is even worse if this type of mess extends to one's basement, attic and cabinets!
So, where to start? Well, you start by making more mess! Take everything out of your drawers/closets/cabinets, etc and put them on the floor, a bed or a table. Now, you're forced to deal with this "self-made" mess: you can't leave all your stuff just laying around like this, right? Now, evaluate each item, one-by-one, bearing the following in mind:
Do you have dozens of the same type of object (like screwdrivers or pairs of sneakers, for example)? What items are damaged, worn out or no longer interest you? Bin broken/damaged items and give away those things which are still useable/servicable. Once you've gone through this selection, you are then ready to tidy up and reorganize your closets and home!