Flies in the house? Get rid of them instantly and permanently using effective, all-natural remedies

by Mark Bennett

July 28, 2024

Gladson Machado/Wikimedia Commons


The arrival of summer also brings along with it the arrival of many annoying insects. Amongst the most annoying of these pests are flies and midges (aka "punkies") and these insects can pose a health risk and/or spread diseases to man and beast.

Although flies and midges have short life-spans, they multiply rapidly and have huge broods which, in turn, can ruin one's enjoyment of summertime.

So how can you get rid of flies and midges once and for all, but without resorting to using dangerous insecticides? Well, keep reading:

1. Good habits

One way to keep flies and midges from entering your home is to adopt a few, good habits, namely: 

  • keep fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator or cover them with a cloth to prevent them from attracting flies and midges as they ripen;
  • use airtight containers for trash cans, and replace the bag frequently to prevent decomposing material from attracing flies;
  • make sure that doors and windows are properly sealed - putting up mosquito nets will prevent many insects from entering your home;
  • pay attention to lighting: flies are attracted to very intense light so, reduce the lighting you use and use "soft light" light bulbs;
  • if you have pets that live in the house with you, make sure to clean out their litter boxes promptly and always keep their food and water bowls clean.


2. Plants and flowers


If you love gardening, you can use this passion to keep your home free of annoying insects. Some common plants are natural insect repellants and having them on your windowsills or on your balcony or in the garden near your house is a convenient way to keep flies and midges at bay.

These "insect-repelling" plants include:

  • marigolds;
  • basil;
  • rosemary;
  • catnip;
  • lavender.

3. All-natural repellent sprays


You can make an effective insect-repellent spray using essential oils: chose from the essential oils of citronella, lavender, peppermint or neem and dilute these one of these in a few drops in alcohol; then, decant the mixture into in a spray bottle filled with water. Shake well and spray around your home to keep flies and midges out of your home.

Spices can also be used to prepare effective repellent sprays:

  • add salt and pepper to 500 ml of boiling water and decant this mixture into a spray bottle;
  • mix a tablespoon of ginger powder in 250 ml of water.

4. Cloves

Martin Cooper/Flickr

Cloves are also very effective in keeping flies and midges away:

  • insert cloves into apples or the flesh of lemon halves;
  • place these apples/half-lemons in areas of your home you want to keep fly-free;
  • in no time at all, your home will be free of flies and midges.

5. All-natural traps

Scott Schiller/Flickr

Another thing you can do is to use all-natural insect traps:

  • the famous Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is a carnivorous plant that will prey on the flies in your home and also be an attractive-looking ornamental addition to the environment;
  • make a trap by cutting off the upper third of a plastic bottle and filling the lower part with a solution of water and sugar; then, place the upper third piece upside down into the lower part. This contraption allows flies to enter, but prevents them from leaving;
  • banana peels can also be useful for preparing a trap like the one described above: cut the peels into small pieces and use them instead of sugar;
  • another useful trap can be made by mixing white vinegar with dishwashing liquid in a bowl. The vinegar will attract flies and midges and the dishwashing liquid will keep them stuck in the bowl.

Wwhat methods do you use to keep your home fly/midge-free?
