Make your own, DIY, stainless steel detergent using commonly-found ingredients

by Mark Bennett

July 16, 2024

Vinegar, a cloth and a spray bottle



For many reasons, stainless steel is the preferred surfacing for many items in the kitchen: ovens, worktops, appliances and even trash cans are just a few example. And to clean all this stainless steel, you need the right detergent. Stainless steel detergents can be purchased, of course, but you can also make one yourself using commonly-found ingredients.

How to make a DIY detergent for stainless steel

Making a DIY detergent to clean stainless steel is simple and can be done cheaply. All you need is:

  • a 500 ml spray bottle
  • white alcohol vinegar
  • an essential oil (citrus, mint, tea tree, lavender are favorites)

How to proceed:

  • Fill the spray bottle with the white alcohol vinegar;
  • Add the essential oil: add 10 to 20 drops of an essential oil (or use a blend of two or three oils), depending on how strong your want the scent to be.

And that's really all there is to it - now let's find out how to use it.


How to use your DIY stainless steel detergent

a cloth being rubbed over a stainless steel surface


While the ingredients used in the above recipe are safe to use on stainless steel, it's still best to be aware of certain precautions:

First, it is always recommended to use gloves when handling an acidic substance such as alcohol vinegar. Also, it is advisable to use soft sponges or microfibre cloths to rub on the steel: as robust as this metal is, it can be scratched by abrasive tools.

To clean the steel properly, proceed as follows:

  • Spray you DIY detergent on the surface to be cleaned;
  • Rub the detergent over the steel, following the grain to avoid streaking;
  • Continue cleaning in small sections, spraying and rubbing as you go. On vertical surfaces, always start at the top;
  • Repeat the above treatment to remove stubborn stains and grime;
  • Rinse and wring out your cleaning cloth thoroughly as you go (or change it) when it starts to get dirty;
  • Always keep a dry cloth ready to wipe up any spills or droplets.

To finish off, use an oil to polish the metal (which you can do immediately after cleaning if the metal is dry). Some use olive oil, while others use some other food-grade oil (like sunflower oil, for example). Whatever product used, a small amount of the oil can be applied to a clean, dry microfibre cloth and spread over the steel (again, following the grain). It is important to use a small amount of oil so that it doesn't leave a sticky film on the metal.

Ready to clean the stainless steel surfaces in your home?
