What can we do with odd socks? Use them to perfume the house, of course!

by Mark Bennett

June 18, 2024



If you think about something that spreads a pleasant scent through your house, socks certainly won't come to mind. But odd socks (ie. those that have somehow lost one sock in a matching pair) can be turned into DIY air fresheners for your home. Let's find out how to do this:


How to use odd socks as air fresheners

a sock filled with baking soda and tied closed with a shoelace


It goes without saying that any sock we intend to use for this DIY hack must be clean. You'll also need:

  • Baking soda
  • Essential oils that you like
  • (Optional) dried, fragrant flowers, or dried herb leaves or spices - it all depends on the types of scents you want to create
  • Ribbon or elastic bands
  • A large bowl

Once you have all these resouces, proceed as follows:

  • Pour the baking soda into the bowl: each sock will need at least 3 or 4 tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Add 3-5 drops of an essential oil you like for every 60 grams of baking soda used. You can obviously also mix several fragrances together, and increase the dosage of essential oils for a stronger scent.
  • If you want, you can also add dried flowers or other similar ingredients (see above) to your "blend".
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Fill each sock you intend to use with your DIY blend/mix.
  • Tie each sock closed with a piece of ribbon or an elastic band.
  • Place the filled socks inside closets, drawers or in the corners of rooms.

These socks - especially if they are colorful - will also be nice to look at and will release a pleasant scent for days or even weeks!

You can do this DIY project quicker by avoiding the step of mixing everything together in a bowl first. Simply pour the baking soda directly into a sock, add a few drops of essential oil, close tightly and shake a little to mix the oil into the soda. This way, it is even easier and quicker to create multiple, different scents for each sock used.


Other uses for odd socks

odd socks spread out on a sofa


Odd socks can also be recycled in other useful ways around the house, depending on whether you want to clean or decorate. For example:

  • Dust your Venetian blinds: slip your hand into a sock (if it's a thick, winter sock, so much the better!) and then wipe it between the slats of your Venetian blinds to efficiently remove dust.
  • Pen cover holder: if an odd sock is large enough, fit it over a tin or glass jar container to create and "dress up" a pen holder for your work desk.
  • If necessary, an odd sock can also become an emergency cold compress. Put ice into a plastic bag, and then put the bag into a sock - your compress is now ready for use!
  • Socks made of cotton or wool (ie. those without synthetic blends), can be filled with rice and then heated in the microwave to become handy alternatives for hot water bottles.

In short, there are many reasons not to throw away your odd socks!
