Plants that dehumidify the air and help you ward off muggy, summer heat

by Mark Bennett

June 12, 2024


Having fresh, cool air in the home during sultry summers is a real life-saver - and plants can help you in this regard (or at least, some can). Given this, let's check out some plants which are well-known for being able to dehumidify the air in homes:

1. Ivy (Hedera helix L.)


Ivy is one of the most underrated and under-appreciated of house plants, despite its many advantages. Amongst these, ivy is very easy to cultivate and can grow almost anywhere (including in pots in the home and in partially shaded spots).

Furthermore, a study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology revealed that ivy is able to reduce the amount of mold spores in the air in enclosed spaces. And since ivy absorbs humidity in the home, it is worth placing this plant in areas that are at risk to exposure to high humidity and mold!


2. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)


There is a good reason why ferns - together with the rest of the plants in this list - are most frequently placed in bathrooms: they love humid areas and thrive on the moisture in the air. Given this, the bathroom is the idea spot for ferns! Ferns also do well in low-light environments, again making them compatible with the majority of bathrooms.

3. Peace lily (Spathiphyllum)


If the temperatures in your home tend to be mild - ie. between 18 to 25 degrees C on average throughout the year - then the peace lily could be the right plant for you. This lily prefers brightly-lit spots and needs ambient humidity to thrive. In pots, the soil of the peace lily should always be kept moist.

4. Air plant (Tillandsia)


This epiphytic plant (ie. a plant that typically grows on the surface of another plant and derives its moisture and nutrients from the air and rain) does not need soil to sustain itself. Air plants take in their nourishment through their leaves rather than their roots, which is why they need humid conditions. Air plants will help control the humidity levels in your home and also require very little care and maintenance!

5. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)


Pothos is a very popular plant and can often be found decorating homes, offices and public areas (like parks, for example). It requires little care, grows in poorly-lit spots, and comes in multiple, attractive species you can select from. Pothos absorbs a lot of humidity from the air and is capable of eliminating a significant amount of harmful toxins that circulate in confined environments!


Kentia (Howea forsteriana)


Kentia is an ornamental palm that is also a popular house plant. A favorite of interior designers, this palm is much appreciated for its elegant form. Since it thrives in humid conditions, kentia can also help you to control humidity levels in your home (but you will need to water it too, when required). 

Which of these plants is your favorite?
