How best to cultivate Lewisia ? Learn more about this succulent plant that produces stunning flowers

by Mark Bennett

June 03, 2024


Successful cultivation of Lewisia cotyledon (aka Siskiyou lewisia) - a succulent plant that produces lovely flowers and does not require great care - really just hinges on its placement. This plant can be a real asset to your home, be it grown indoors or outdoors. Let's find out more:

Ideal placement and climate for Lewisia

a potted Lewisia on a table

ponyo_o422 /Instagram

Whilst its beautiful flowers would seem to suggest this is a delicate plant, Lewisia is actually quite robust. In fact, it can easily be grown outdoors (as long as the minimum temperature does not fall below -5°C, and local averages are around 17-22°C most of the year). Lewisia is a plant native to the mountainous regions of the United States, so it has evolved to deal with low temperatures.

Lewisia can also be grown indoors but if you have it on your balcony, terrace or in garden, it is preferable not to bring it indoors in winter: rather just protect it by, for example, moving it to a greenhouse. It is important to protect Lewisia from snow and frost, however.

The ideal placement for this plant is in direct sunlight (although it can be placed in partial shade in especially hot regions).


Soil and watering

close-up of pink Lewisia flowers


Lewisia prefers well-draining soil which is rich in organic substances. Stagnant water (or waterlogging of the soil) can cause root rot and/or cause your Lewisia to wither and die.

During the growth periods (spring to mid-summer) you will need to water more often, cutting down progressively during autumn and winter. During the coldest and most humid periods, nighttime humidity may be enough for your plant's watering needs. As a "rule of thumb", when the soil is dry (to depth), it's time to water your Lewisia.

Fertilizing and pruning Lewisia

thick Lewisia bush with orange flowers in an outdoor planter


You can encourage your Lewisia to grow more luxuriantly by using fertilizer, administered in spring and/or during the growth period season (spring to mid-summer). A 20-20-20 fertilizer will probably be ideal for your Lewisia, but ensure you don't over-fertilize the plants - just remember that "less is more"!

Pruning is done exclusively to keep Lewisia at the desired size and shape. Additionally, it is advisable to remove any withered flowers and dead/dying leaves when you spot them: if they won't come off easily in your hands, use sharp, sterilized scissors/shears.
