Is your home wi-fi connection slow? Possible causes and how to resolve these issues

by Mark Bennett

May 14, 2024


Who hasn't had problems with a slow internet connection? Whether you are using it for work or play, waiting for the connection to right itself can be incredibly frustrating.

There are many possible causes of this problem and knowing what they are could help you fix this problem. Keep reading:


Router-related issues


The router is often (validy) seen as the main culprit for slow connection. For possible router problems, proceed as follows:

  • modem reboot and reset: rebooting the modem alone may fix the problem by clearing a "clogged" memory; upon restart, the modem will search for channels with less traffic, in turn increasing browsing speed. Turn off the modem and wait 10 seconds before restarting it;
  • router location: nearby walls, furniture or floors that could impede the signal and slow down your connection. Place your router in a central, clear andelevated area, away from physical or electronic obstacles that could interfere with  the signal. In the case of particularly large homes, consider installing a wi-fi repeater/booster or a LAN network to reach remote spots;
  • overloading: having many devices attached to the same router could be another cause for a slow signal can be easily resolved by disconnecting all devices that are not currently being use (or by changing the router access channel for some devices). Another useful method for solving this problem is to change the modem settings, giving priority to certain devices/essential activities and limiting the bandwidth used for less important devices/activities.


Other possible issues

Other causes of a slow internet connection include:

  • spyware, malware and viruses are major causes of slow connection speeds, as they slow down the system and interfere with the browser (sometimes even blocking the connection completely). Solve this problem by regularly running good anti-spyware and anti-virus programs;
  • browser add-ons/extensions can be useful, but they can slow down your connection; try disabling these add-ons and see if your internet speed improves;
  • having too many browsing windows and/or too many programs open at the same time can slow everything down due to the excessive use of memory; close unnecessary programs when not in use (or buy more memory for your device);
  • the use of the connection during peak hours is another factor that could influence the speed; in this case, there is no other solution other than reorganizing your tasks in order to avoid busy network times;
  • Finally, bandwidth could also be a cause of your connection problem: in this case, consider an upgrade (or changing your internet services supplier).

Have you discovered what causes your slow connection?
