Small kitchen? Well, the top of the refrigerator is not a great place for storing these 8 items

Amongst the rooms that suffer from space problems, the kitchen is right up there. And you are probably wondering if it is possible to make more room for everything you need to keep in the kitchen.
Making use of the vertical space is always a good idea, but storing things on top of the refrigerator, for example, is perhaps not the best solution.
But what if you absolutely have to use the top of the fridge for storage? Well, we recommend the following 8 items should never be stored on top of a fridge, no matter what!
1. Bottles of alcohol

Wine and alcoholic drinks should never be kept on top of a refrigerator due to temperature fluctuations which could easily ruin their contents. Even the continuous vibration of the fridge's engine can alter the taste of wine. It is much better to store these beverages in a cool, dark cabinet.
2. Plants

In addition to being difficult to water, plants on top of a refrigerator may not like ambient conditions: temperatures around a fridge tend to be higher, the air is drier, and there may not be enough light. It's much better to put your plants on shelves.
3. Small household appliances

Small kitchen appliances like portable radios or CD players should never be stored on top of your refrigerator due to the heat (from the back of the fridge) which could damage them and shorten their lifespan. Furthermore, the continuous vibrations of the refrigerator's engine could cause them to fall and break.
4. Medicines

Medicines should always be stored out of the reach of children and therefore should be kept high up somewhere - but putting them on top of a refrigerator could alter their chemical composition (due to engine heat). Store medicines in a cool, dry, lockable cabinet (which cannot be reached by tiny hands!).
5. Anything that can melt

Due to the engine, it can get very hot above a refrigerator. For this reason, any object or food that can melt can easily be easily damaged. Therefore, avoid storing chocolate and candles on top of the fridge, for example. And be aware that plastic containers can also be deformed by this heat.
6. Heavy objects

Large pans, appliances or other heavy objects placed on top of the refrigerator can damage it over time. Furthermore, the continuous opening and closing of the fridge doors could easily cause the objects to slowly "creep" off the edge and fall off.
7. Fragile objects

Glass jars and bottles (and other fragile objects) should never be stored on top of your refrigerator, as they could easily fall off and break.
8. Nothing

In short, storing almost any items on top a fridge is not a great idea. As you can see from the foregoing, doing so can ruin or damage the items - not to mention the danger posed by falling objects! Find somewhere else to store your things in the kitchen and keep the top of your fridge clear.
What do you have on top of your refrigerator?