Clean your stove perfectly using only one product: a homemade remedy

by Mark Bennett

February 27, 2024

Clean your stove perfectly using only one product: a homemade remedy

There are some cleaning chores we have to do regularly, and cleaning the kitchen stove certainly falls into this category. Every time we cook something, there is usually something we have to clean on/in the stove. Amongst the vast range of commercial and DIY stove cleaning products available, there's one which most of use have at home: cornstarch.

This starch (which is found in many recipes as a thickener) is light and only slightly abrasive in paste form. This makes cornstarch very useful for many cleaning chores - read on to find out more:

Use cornstarch to clean stovetops

Use cornstarch to clean stovetops


There are several ways to use cornstarch to clean a stove:

The first way is to use cornstarch as a paste. Put a spoonful of starch into a small bowl, and add water slowly, mixing until a homogeneous paste forms. If necessary, adjust the amounts of water or starch as you mix. Then, add a drop of dishwashing liquid and mix again. Now you have a paste you can use to clean almost any surface, including stove tops.

Once used, rinse off to remove any residue paste and the dirt. Allow to air dry and you're done!


More ways to clean with cornstarch

More ways to clean with cornstarch


You can prepare at least two other variations of the above DIY cleaning product (which will also be suitable for cleaning the stove):

  • Cornstarch and white vinegar: Pour 230 ml of vinegar into a saucepan, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and heat over low flame, stirring until a thick cream forms. Allow to cool, then apply the cream the areas to be cleaned and leave to act for 20 minutes. Thereafter, scrub thoroughly, rinse and dry.
  • Lemon juice, dishwashing liquid and cornstarch: Make the cream as described above, but adding 230 ml of lemon juice instead of vinegar. Before the cream cools down too much (which will be difficult to mix when cold), add a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent, mix and allow cooling. Use in the same way as described above.

These DIY cleaners are great for both regular and "emergency" use. And obviously, they are also a lot more eco-friendly than many commerical cleaners. Have you ever tried any of these remedies?
