The best palm trees to decorate your apartment elegantly

Originally from tropical areas, palm trees evoke images of white beaches, humid climates and a feeling of relaxation and peace. They also give our gardens and homes a decorative touch that exudes charm and elegance. For countless years, palms have been grown in homes, underlining how easy they are to take care of
Given these properties, palms are perfect for domestic cultivation - including in pot which can be placed inside the home.
If you would like a palm in your home but you don't know where to start, then keep reading:
1. Chamadorea Elegans

Known as a lounge palm, the Chamaedorea is amongst the best of palms for indoor cultivation: thriving in mid-range temperatures and partial sunlight, this palm only needs pruning to eliminate any dried out foliage. It requires humid conditons and so, it is important to keep the soil moist: in drier climates, this palm attracts mites and spiders, so you need to keep an eye on the leaves.
2. Yucca Elephantipes

There are several types of Yucca palm that can be grown in the home, and the Yucca Elephantipes is one of the most popular. In its natural habitat, it can get 5 meters high, but is also suited for potting. It has a robust light brown stem on which bright green fronds grow. It prefers bright and well-ventilated environments with temperate climates.
3. Alexandra Palm

This Australian palm owes its common name to the princess Alessandra of Denmark, then the queen mother of England. This palm is fast-growning and can get to a significant size. That said, it can be easily be grown in pots, in a well-lit room and with frequent watering.
4. The Majestic Palm

The Majestic Palm, or Ravena Rivularis, does well in the shade and has very slow growth: these two characteristics make it perfect for indoor cultivation. This palm requires a humid environment to thrive in. As it can get quite large, you will eventually have to transplant it to open ground.
5. Bamboo Palm

The Bamboo Palm (Chamadorea Seifrizii) is a popular indoor plant and owes its name to its long, noduled stems (like true bamboo). Moderately tolerant of dry conditions, the palm must be watered only when the first top few centimeters of the soil are dry. This palm grows well in partial/shaded sunlight.
6. Chinese Palm

The Chinese Palm (Livistonia Chinensis) is characterized by its distinctive star-shaped leaves. It is slow-growing but can reach 4 meters in height so, if you want to grow this palm indoors, you should chose from its shrub-like varities (for example, the Lady Palm, Fan Palm or Fishtail Palm). Chinese palms thrive in bright-lit spots, but can also tolerate partially-shaded locations. It must be watered when the first top few centimeters of the potting soil has dried out.
7. Dypsis Decaryi

This is a rare palm from Madagascar and is characterized by its triangular trunk and high, curly foliage. Dypsis Decaryi loves sunny spots but can also adapt to partial shade. This palm does not like stagnant water and excessive humidity.
8. Sago Palm

The Sago Palm (Cycas revolved) has rigid fronds, an erect bearing and a short, bristly trunk. It is not a real palm, since it is more closely related to conifers, and grows very slowly. Place this palm in filtered light for 6/8 hours a day, always keeping it moist but waiting for the surface layer of the soil to dry out before watering.
Which of these is your favorite palm?