A joy for all book lovers: the "Bookshelf Wealth" furnishing style. But what is it?

"Bookshelf Wealth": this is the name of a new furnishing trend sweeping across social media platforms and is delighting bookworms all over the world. In short, Bookshelf Wealth can be defined as follows: displaying a cared-for (but not too obviously curated) selection of things that are meaningful to one, like books (which dominate this style), art, and objects you've collected "in your travels" over years. The important thing for this style is not to go overboard and inadvertently create a cluttered, messy display.
Bookshelf Wealth: a dream for book lovers

If you are a bookworm, you probably don't use e-book (which "purists" consider devoid of "personality"). For a bookworm, nothing compares to handling - and even smelling - a pysical book.
In short, printed materials have managed to survive the e-revolution and, although numbers have declined, book collectors are still active in today's world. And this new Bookshelf Wealth trend is perfect for print-media connoisseurs.
Abundant, but ordered

Do you know anyone who has piles of books at home? Well, why not introduce them to this new style? But make sure they know the difference between displaying abundance and creating a mess!
To this end, books must be carefully arranged on the shelves. Bookcases must not be rigorously arranged, of course, but neither should the books just be crammed on shelves willy-nilly. The available slots on the shelves are are to be carefully filled.
Of course, loading the bookshelves need not be done in a OCD manner - it's not necessary to be rigid about grouping books by height, color, etc. Just as long as the loading and stacking is done in a way that does not end up looking messy.
A vintage touch

Nothing prevents you from displaying your book collections in/on any type of furniture you want, and the books themselves can be of any shape and style. Books are, arguably, somewhat vintage items these days, but they also signal others that book collectors are passionate, classy people.
Books on display are the outward celebration of a full life full of precious memories.
Be genuine

It's important that your book "opulance" is genuine. Your collection should not look deliberated "filled out" and/or sterile. Make your book collection look and feel like something you truly cherish and use. To this end, you can also place ornaments, souvenirs, artwork and other knick-knacks on the bookshelves.

In short, the Bookshelf Wealth style allows one to decorate the home with books (and other complimentary items) that truly define one's personality and tastes!