Do you want to grow orchids outdoors? Choose a cold-resistant species

Growing orchids can be a challenge, especially if you don't have a lot of experience or you're a "beginner" gardener. Furthermore, delicate orchids grown outdoors may not survive the rigors of the winter. But if you still want to try this, you need to select a robust orchid species.
One of these "tough" orchids is called Cymbidium and is a member of the Orchidaceae genus which is native to eastern Asia, Africa and Australia. Plants of this genus prefer cooler temperatures - around 15-18 degrees C - and can tolerate heat up to 30 degrees C; they also flower in winter, provided they were kept in temperatures around 10 degrees C in autumn.
In short, Cymbidium is an orchid which is resistant to the cold, fairly easy to grow and will provide beautiful blooms for your garden in winter.
So, let's find out how to grow Cymbidium orchids outside:
How to cultivate a Cymbidium orchid

As already mentioned, these orchids thrive in cool, preferably bright spots, without being exposed to direct sunlight (which could scorch the leaves). In winter, these orchids can tolerate temperatures as low as -2 degrees C, provided they are appropriately sheltered from winds and drafts.
An important requirement of this plant is humidity, which must be kept constant at all times and especially in summer (or in winter when near radiators). Do not overwater this orchid, as it could cause root rot.
Being epiphytic plants, orchids require a good oxygen supply to the roots, so the soil must drain properly and and be very porous.
Flowering, fertilizing and repotting

Flowering occurs in winter, but only if the orchid was kept at around 10 degrees C throughout the autumn (otherwise, the buds will fall off). The flowers are spectacular with up to 20 of them clustering to form a "spread" of up to 1 meter in length. The flowers range in colors from white to red, from cream to yellow to brown.
Fertilization must be carried out with a special fertilizer frequently: every 15 days in spring and summer; every month in autumn and winter.
The orchid must be repotted every 2 or 3 years. Fresh soil should be used and the new pot must be at least 5 centimeters larger than the old one to allow the roots to keep growing. If well taken care of, these orchids can quickly reach considerable size and can be propogated by dividing the root clump (taking great care to ensure that each new plant has at least one pseudobulb, a complete root system and mulitple off-shoots).
Have you already identified the area of your garden where you will grow a Cymbidium?