Cleaning the floors: let's see how best to do this for each flooring type

It is not an exaggeration to say that the condition of the floors in the house sets the "tone" for the rest of the home. Given this fact, floors tend to be cleaned frequently: footprints, dust, other bits of dirt need to be regularly dealt with. But what's the best way to clean the floors?
It all depends on the material they are made of: natural stone, vinyl, wood, carpeting and more. Depending on the type/s of flooring you have at home, differing cleaning procedures are required. We explore this topic below:
Floor tiles

This type of floor is by far the most widespread and is also the simplest to clean. Very little effort is required and few cleaning products are needed. Apart from commercial cleaners, we can make you own floor detergent.
- The first thing to do is vacuum (or sweep) the floor to remove the bulk of the dirt;
- Then, mix water, vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing detergent in a bowl and soak a soft cloth in this mixture. Mop the floor using this mixture;
- Once done, allow the floor to dry by opening the windows.
If the joints (grouting) between the tiles are particularly dirty, you can use a toothbrush and a mixture of water and bicarbonate, or water and sodium peroxide, to remove stubborn dirt from the grouting.
Wood floors

Wooden flooring is more delicate and excess water could cause the wood to swell and crack.
- Vacuum the floor using the proper attachments. Delicate brushes are required in order not to leave scratches;
- If the floor is not too dirty, you could use a simple cotton cloth moistened in water to remove dirt residue;
- To remove more stubborn dirt, again use a cotton cloth, but this time soaked in a mixture of water and vinegar. Wring the cloth out properly to prevent any of it getting between the joints in the wood.

Laminated floors are also delicate and need to be cleaned with care and without an excessive use of water.
- First, use a dry, soft cloth to remove the bulk of any hair, dust and dirt residue.
- Commercial products can be used to wash the floor, but you can make your own detergent by mixing water, denatured alcohol and a few drops of dishwashing detergent together in a bowl/bucket. Dip a rag into this mixture, wring it out and mop the floor using the damp rag. Always be careful not to use too much of this liquid mixture to avoid it getting under the laminate;
- Once done, allow to dry thoroughly. Remember, it's always best to clean dirt away as soon as possible to prevent dirt from becoming ingrained.
Natural stone

Natural stone is a porous and delicate material, and must be treated constantly to be kept clean. It is recommended to sweep stone floors regularly, removing any stains that form with a damp cloth. Being porous, is is best to avoid using overly aggressive detergents (and especially acids) to wash a stone floor. Do not use bleach, vinegar or ammonia. Instead, use plain water, soaking and wringing out the cleaning cloth frequently. To remove stains, you can use a delicate detergent such as dishwashing liquid or a neutral soap.

Carpeting is one of the most comfortable of flooring types due to its softness, but it is also one of the most complicated to clean. The main piece of advice is to vacuum carpet frequently - using the proper attachments - in order to avoid dirt building up in the pile.
Use steam cleaners and carpet-specific detergents to remove stains on the carpet. In case of liquid spills, do not rub the spill but use a paper towel to dab up the moisture. This will prevent the liquid from penetrating the carpet, leaving permanent stains.
Vinyl floors

Elegant and durable, vinyl floors are very popular. Maintaining them is not difficult and you just need to be discipline to clean them weekly. Sweeping is sufficient in most cases, as is wiping them over with a damp cloth soaked in warm water and a few drops of neutral detergent.
In the case of stains, a little denatured alcohol mixed with water will remove most marks (or use water and vinegar for oil stains/spills). The important thing is to ensure the detergent does not leak under the vinyl. It is also recommended to do a test first (on an inconspicuous spot) to ensure the detergent you intend to use, will not cause any damage.
Every floor type has a different cleaning method...
As you can see from the foregoing, each flooring type has its own cleaning methodology. That said, there are two main categories: floors that can be washed using water/liquids and those that should be cleaned with only dampened cleaning tools.
At this point, we wish you the best of luck cleaning your floors!