Stubborn stains on your pillows? Thanks to natural products, you can now remove these effectively

Among the greatest pleasures in life, sleeping in clean, fresh, crisp bedlinen is one of them. However, sometimes this mood can be ruined by dirty pillows.
When was the last time you washed your pillows? You probably don't remember, right? Indeed, on removing the pillowcases, you may be greeted by horrible-looking yellow staining on the pillows themselves.
You may be tempted to throw the pillows away, or drown them in bleach. But, using bleach could actually make the situation worse since these stains (produced by bodily fluids) can become more pronounced.
So how can we remove these stubborn stains from our pillows? Using natural products could be the answer:
Baking soda and vinegar to remove stubborn stains from pillows

The best products for removing stubborn stains from your pillows can be found in the pantry: baking soda and white alcohol vinegar. These two products can help turn your pillows white again in just a few simple steps:
- Soak the pillows for 30 minutes in cold water to make the stains easier to remove; it is important at this stage not to use hot water, which could fix the stains.
- Prepare a paste by mixing baking soda with a little water and apply it to the entire surface of the pillow, paying particular attention to stains.
- Leave on for 15 minutes, then wipe down the entire surface of the pillow with a clean, soft cloth soaked in vinegar.
- Put the pillow on a regular machine wash; generally, the best way to wash pillows is on a cold cycle using a mild detergent - but follow any washing instructions on the pillow's tags.
What if the pillow can't be machine-washed?

If your pillows cannot be machine-washed, you still have options:
- Cover the surface of the pillow with a paste made of baking soda and a little water and leave on for 15 minutes to 1 hour (depending on the severity of the stain);
- Scrub the stains using a toothbrush moistened in water, paying particular attention to the most stubborn stains. Then, wipe away the paste;
- If necessary, repeat this operation several times until the stain disappears;
- Allow the pillow to air dry.
To prevent the formation of stains on your pillows, sprinkle them with baking soda at least once a month and expose them frequently to sunlight in order to sanitize them. Protect your pillows with a removable pillow covers/slips, and remember to replace the pillowcases at least once a week (more frequently, if you sweat a lot).
Now your pillows will be as white as snow again!