The 8-step Sunday Reset will help you prepare for the upcoming week

by Mark Bennett

January 08, 2024

The 8-step Sunday Reset will help you prepare for the upcoming week

The weekend has always been when we rest and recuperate after a week spent at work. These days however, there seems to be more and more things we "have to do" on weekends. That said, weekends are still regarded as our R&R days and an opportunity to catch up with things we've had to put off during the week - and to take care of ourselves.

There is a increasingly popular practice that many are starting to adopt: it's called the "Sunday Reset" and helps its practitioners to prepare properly for the week to come.

So, what exactly is the Sunday Reset? Check out its 8 steps and determine if this is something you will also adopt:

1. Change the sheets and towels

1. Change the sheets and towels


Sunday is the ideal day to dedicate yourself to changing all the bed linen, bathroom towels, tablecloths, napkins and kitchen towels. There is nothing better than starting the week knowing that all these items in your home are in pristine condition.


2. Do the laundry

2. Do the laundry


Sunday is the perfect day to do the laundry, catching up on the dirty pile that has "grown" over the previous week: wash all your dirty clothes so that they will be availabe for use in the upcoming week; furthermore, as you have just changed all the linen (see above), now it the right time to wash it. Put items away immediately after they have dried to keep good order.

And don't forget that doing the washing costs less on Sundays.

3. Clean the house

3. Clean the house


Dust and wash all the surfaces, sanitize the bathroom and kitchen, vacuum, clean the windows and mirrors, take out the rubbish: starting a new week with the house being clean will help you feel more energetic, as well as leaving you much more time during the week to dedicate to more important things.

4. Water the plants

4. Water the plants

Make some time to take care of your plants by watering them, dusting their leaves and plucking off any dry or rotten foliage. During the week, it is easy to forget about the plants, but on Sunday, set aside a few minutes to take care of them.

5. Plan ahead

5. Plan ahead

Jeremy Levine/Flickr

Do some planning for the upcoming week: establish priorities, organize all your "must-dos", write out a menu for the week and, if possible, prepare (and freeze) meals in advance so that you have them ready when needed. Organize and tidy up your desk if you work from home. Having a plan will make you feel less stressed and overwhelmed.


6. Administration

6. Administration

Diari La Veu/Flickr

There are many administrative tasks that we usually put off due to lack of time or willpower: take care of all these tasks on Sunday: pay the bills, manage the mail and tidy up all the other documents in use. Clear your phone and email inbox and unsubscribe from mailing lists that don't interest you.

7. Self-care and relaxation

7. Self-care and relaxation


Finally, don't forget that Sunday is a day to dedicate to your R&R. Sleep in late, eat your 3 main meals slowly, savoring every bite. Take care of yourself too: get some exercise, go for a walk, treat yourself to a home spa, take a restorative bath, read or watch a film on TV, do some yoga, meditate, call a friend. In short, spoil yourself!


8. Disconnect

8. Disconnect


We live in the age of connectivity, always in touch and yet, paradoxically, increasingly isolated. For a day, get back to "real life" and stay away from social media and the internet. Turn off your phone or, if you have to be on-call, disconnect your the data and silence notifications. Doing the techno-detox will make you feel wonderful!

Are you ready for a Sunday Reset?
