12 interesting, alternative uses for a glass cleaner that you may not know about

by Mark Bennett

January 05, 2024

12 interesting, alternative uses for a glass cleaner that you may not know about

Over the years, our kitchen cabinets gradually fill up with specialized cleaning products for specific cleaning chores. However, we often forget that these cleaning products can have multiple functions - which can help us both save space in the cupboards and our money.

The glass cleaner spray product is an example of this: formulated for cleaning glass and mirrors, this cleaner can be used for other cleaning chores too. Glass cleaners are excellent degreasers and do not produce streaks, making them suitable for a myriad of alternative cleaning chores.

If you have a glass cleaning product in your detergent cupboard, you may have already wondered if it can be used on more than just glass. Below, we show you 12 alternative uses you can make with your glass cleaning products:

1. Cars

1. Cars

Marco Verch/Flickr

If you only clean your car on rare special occasions, keep the glass cleaner handy: it will be effective not only for cleaning the car's windows and windshields, but also for the interior surfaces and for removing stains from the bodywork.


2. Insect repellent

2. Insect repellent

Julie from Wexford/Flickr

Insects can be particularly bothersome, but you can easily eliminate them without resorting to using polluting insecticides: get your glass cleaner and spray it directly on the insects to kill them off quickly. Furthermore, if the glass cleaner is an ammonia-based one, using it on doors and windows will help prevent insects from entering the home, as the odor of ammonia repels most insects.

3. Toys

3. Toys

Marco Verch/Flickr

We all know how dirty our children's toys can get, but what's the best way to clean hard, plastic toys (that cannot go into the washing machine)? A quick and easy solution is to spray these toys with glass cleaner as you tidy them up to eliminate dirt and germs. If your kids are still very young and might put the toys into their mouths, just make sure to rinse them off with water after cleaning them with the glass cleaner so they don't ingest any residue.

4. Jewelry

4. Jewelry


Even your jewelry can be cleaned using a glass cleaner. Gently scrub the surface of the jewelry using a toothbrush and the glass cleaner, leaving it on to act for no more than 2 minutes. Before doing this, however, make sure that the material your jewelery is made of is compatible with the use of alcohol and ammonia.

5. Magnetic whiteboards

5. Magnetic whiteboards

Anders Sandberg/Flickr

Perfect for all sorts of scribblings, notes and doodles, magnetic whiteboards can suffer from ink residue build-up and dark marks may appear; in these cases, spray a little glass cleaner on the whiteboard. When wiped away, your whiteboard will be pristine again.


6. Sanitary fixtures and taps

6. Sanitary fixtures and taps

Marco Verch/Flickr

Bathroom fixtures and taps quickly pick up limescale deposits and water stains which you can easily and quickly eliminate using a glass cleaner: spray the product on the surfaces, leave to act for a minute or two, and wipe off and dry with a clean cloth.

7. Stain remover for laundry and upholstery

7. Stain remover for laundry and upholstery

Lisa Brewster/Flickr

Stubborn stains on fabrics can make your life difficult, especially if they happen on sofas, carpets and upholstery (that cannot be machine-washed). Solve this problem quickly with a glass cleaner (only use the clear type, not the classic blue cleaner!): spray the stain with the cleaner and leave to act for 10-15 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or brush. Dab to dry. Do not use this product on wool or silk and always test for compatibility in an inconspicuous spot first.


8. Large and small household appliances

8. Large and small household appliances


It's easy to forget to clean the outsides of our appliances, but these get dirty too over time. Get into the habit of spraying these surfaces with glass cleaner and wiping off with a clean cloth. Your appliances will look clean and shiny again in a flash!

9. Outdoor furniture

9. Outdoor furniture

Pat Dalton/Flickr

Outdoor furniture frequently gets dull and dirty due to the weather conditions. To clean this furniture, simply spray it with glass cleaner and rub carefully with a clean cloth. For particularly stubborn dirt, leave the product on to act for 5 minutes before scrubbing off.


10. Kitchen sinks and countertops

10. Kitchen sinks and countertops

B&M Stores/Flickr

Kitchen sinks are also vulnerable to limescale and water stains. Clean sinks in an instant with glass cleaner and a clean cloth. And you can also clean the stove and worktops in your kitchen with the glass cleaner. Additionally, you can use this product to clean the tiles in the kitchen, bathroom or shower cubicle.

11. Screens

11. Screens

Marco Verch/Flickr

The screens of our smartphones, PCs, tablets, televisions and other electronic devices get dirty easily too. To clean these screens, spray a little glass cleaner on a cloth and rub it over the surfaces carefully.


12. Floors

12. Floors

Aqua Mechanical/Flickr

It may seem strange, but even delicate floorings such as those in marble and granite, can be cleaned using a glass cleaner: dilute a little in a bucket of warm water and wash the floor as you normall would. You'll be amazed by the results! 

Did you already know about any of these alternative uses for your glass cleaning products?
