Bedbugs: what they are and how can you prevent and eliminate an infestation from your home

Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius), are small parasites measuring approximately 6-8 mm, are visible to the naked eye and which feed on human and mammalian blood. They are nocturnal parasites, which emerge from their nests at night which are located in the cracks in walls, around electrical sockets, in the bed frame and in the folds/tears in the fabric of mattresses and furniture upholstery.
Although their bites are usually harmless, the can be itchy and could become infected (especially if scratched). After nearly disappearing completely, these annoying parasites have made a "comeback" since the 1990s, with infestations progressively becoming more widespread throughout the world following the ban on the use of DDT (which is a highly polluting insecticide).
So how can we prevent and eliminate these parasites from our homes? While to completely eradicate an infestation you will probably need to call in an expert, there are numerous steps you can take to prevent bedbugs infesting your home.
Prevent bed bug infestations

There are several steps you can take to prevent bedbug infestations in your home:
- These parasites usually enter our homes with us, traveling in our luggage and on clothes and therefore it is advisable not to leave suitcases on the floor whilst staying at hotels. Also, avoid placing suitcases on hotel beds. When you get home, immediately wash your clothes. If unable to do so, shake out your clothes vigorously and keep them in a tightly closed plastic bag until you can wash them;
- Keeping things neat and tidy, especially in your bedroom, will prevent bedbugs from finding places to nest;
- Keep your home clean - not only to keep bedbugs away, but also to maintain good hygiene standards and deter the appearance of other parasites, such as mites.
Eliminate bedbugs in your home

Always keep an eye out for possible signs of bedbug infestation since these parasites are capable of spreading very quickly:
- Bedbugs are very sensitive to heat so, wash your bed linen at 60 or 90 degrees C and drying it in the dryer at high a temperature;
- The sun can help you combat these annoying insects: expose your mattresses and pillows to direct sunlight, especially in summer when it is very hot;
- Vacuum your mattresses regularly, making sure you get into all the nooks and crannies, such as the seam folds, where these parasites could hide;
- If possible, put your pillows on a high temperature dryer cycle;
- Using latex mattresses can help deter bedbugs, which will struggle to penetrate the dense padding;
- Protect mattresses with quality mattress covers, which will prevent bedbugs from getting into your them.
And if all else fails, you'll need to call out the exterminator! Good luck!