Tidy up all your pairs of earrings: here's a way to organize them properly

by Mark Bennett

January 01, 2024

Tidy up all your pairs of earrings: here's a way to organize them properly

There's nothing quite like having jus the right pair of earrings to complete an outfit. Given this "fact", you probably have a somewhat jumbled pile of earring laying around somewhere in your home.

Keeping earrings in their boxes or bags can be a pain and also takes up a lot of space: typically, we only store our most precious pairs "properly" and in their original packaging and in a safe, secure spot. But what about the rest? Can we restore order to our chaotic, messy piles of earrings? Well, check out the tips below:

It all starts with taking stock and selecting carefully

It all starts with taking stock and selecting carefully


Before starting this "project", you need to take stock of what earrings you have - almost like doing an inventory. Set aside an hour or so to gather up all your earrings.

Then, lay all the earrings out on a flat surface. If the surface is dark (like a black towel, for example), the earrings will be much easier to see.

By doing this, you will see how many types of earrings you have: hooped, small/large studs, small/large pendants, clips-ons, etc. Additionally, you can determine/classify them accoring to use: frequently used, rarely used, special occassions only, etc.

Once you have a clear idea of the types of earrings you have, you can make sound decisions about how to store them. You may want to store rarely used/expensive pairs in a special jewelry box; frequently used earrings can be kept loose in a small saucer, for example. Large/hooped earrings you may prefer to hang up on a jewelry board...  All these factors will help you determine how you want to sort and store your various types/categories of earrings.


Tidy up your earrings

Tidy up your earrings

Dmitry Zvolskiy/Pexels

Now comes the difficult part: which earrings to keep, which to throw away, which to give away and which to get repaired. There will certainly be some mismatched earrings - are these really worth holding on to?

Once you have decided which earrings to keep, you can start organizing them. For a easy-to-use guide (and given the foregoing), keep reading:

  • According to value: protect your most expensive/valuable earring, and be more relaxed with the rest;
  • According to the materials they're made of;
  • Depending on which season it makes more sense to wear them;
  • Depending on their styles: for special occassions only or for everyday, casual use;
  • Depending on their colors - this could even be a subcategory of the foregoing to help you find the perfect set!

When you find the ideal set of parameters for your tastes, your collection of earrings will be properly organized and much more "user-friendly"... provided, of course, that every time you take them off, you put them back in the right place!
