Wooden planters for your garden: 16 charming and customizable projects to consider

Whether you have a large garden or just a small spot on a balcony, you will need some planters if you want to grow your own flowers or vegetables. Planters come in all shapes and sizes and are made from many different materials. But, by far the most popular material for planters, is wood.
Notwithstanding your choice of material, however, you will then have to chose between the many models available on the market. But, of course, you could decide to take the DIY route and make your own planters by recycling materials and resources you may have laying around at home.
Whatever choices you make, take a look at the 16 projects below for some inspiration:
1. Simple wooden logs

Logs picked up on the beach or cut from a felled tree can be hollowed out with a hammer and chisel to create the perfect container for your pot plants.
2. Tall planters

For trees, choose tall planters. These will be for placing at the entryway or next to the front gate. Available for purchase in differing heights and widths, these planters can also be easily made with a bit of DIY.
3. Tall and on wheels

Ideal for those with a small urban garden on a balcony, tall planters mounted on wheels are perfect. These charming wood planters are easy to use and to move around.
4. Low flat planter

Perfect for decorating entryways or balconies, the low flat planters are ideal for cultivating succulents and flowering plants. Make these planters yourself by simply knocking together some wooden planks (or buy them ready-made).
5. Creative recycling

Recycle old wooden crates for your plants on the balcony - it will create an attractive, vintage look.
6. Blackboard planter

Fixing your planter to a blackboard will be an original and creative way of labelling your planter-grown flora.
7. Vegetable garden on the balcony

For a balcony vegetable garden, wooden planters are the best choice. Put them at ground-level or stack them (like stairs) to optimize the available space.
8. Tall, narrow divider planters

Use tall, narrow planters to partition off the different areas of your garden or balcony.
9. Small succulent planters

Succulents are perfect for cultivating in small planters. Square or rectangular wooden boxes are perfect for this purpose.
10. Outdoor paintings

Create interesting wall decorations that look like pictures in the garden or on the balcony by using wooden picture frames which contain succulent arrangements.
11. Colorful DIY planters

Make cute and colorful DIY planters using wooden twigs or ice cream sticks.
12. Tall entryway planters

Reuse the large wooden packing crates to make large tall entryway planters.
13. Partition wall

How about a partion wall to give you some privacy while outdoors? A wooden wall with planters attached will do this and give you some greenery to enjoy.
14. Raised planter

A raised planter with a shelf at the bottom is a convenient storage spot for your gardening tools.
15. Hanging planters

Use simple wooden boxes suspended from an overhang for your outdoor hanging plants.
16. Vertical vegetable garden

Make a vertical vegetable garden with a series of stacked wooden planters that will look like a staircase.
Which of these planters will you use to decorate your garden?