Welcoming the New Year at home: useful tips from the Chinese Feng Shui philosophy

As the New Year approaches, our thoughts turn to making a fresh start and setting out to make - and keep - new year's resolutions that will improve our lives, stop bad habits and make for a happier existence.
So, how can we prepare our homes for the New Year? Well, how about trying some Feng Shui? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize environments to promote balance, well-being, and prosperity. By strategically arranging furniture, eliminating clutter, incorporating elements of nature, and considering the orientation of rooms, Feng Shui aims to positively influence those that live in a specific location, like a home.
Let's find out more about using Feng Shui tips to prepare our homes:
1. Light and air

There are two essential elements in homes according to Feng Shui: light and air. Bring well-being and prosperity into your home by ensuring good air quality, ventilation and the right lighting. Open windows and doors whenever possible to let in fresh, clean air and enjoy the natural light.
Use plants to further improve the air quality in your home: many indoor species can purify the air and are also soothing for our minds.
2. Choose the right colors

Colors are also important in Feng Shui: go for neutral shades, inspired by nature and that have a relaxing, calming effect. Green, blue and peach are usually considered relaxing colors, but all of us will have our own favorite relaxing color/s.
If you prefer, you can use bolder colors which can be used to deliniate the different areas of your home.
3. Eliminate clutter

Clutter and mess blocks the flow of positive energies, making it difficult for you to act in a productive manner.
Before New Year, take some time to eliminate the clutter from your home by getting rid of all those things you never use. Free up space by only keeping those objects that add value to your home and your housekeeping activities.
4. Essential oils for your well-being

Harness the powers of essential oils to promote your well-being and eliminate negative energy from your homes. If you have had a difficult day and are feeling run down, use essential oils in a diffuser or added to your bath. And always remember to open the windows to let in fresh, clean air.
5. The warmth of natural materials

Add warmth to your homes by using natural materials for both the architecture and the furnishings. Wood is warming, creates a welcoming atmosphere and you can use it almost anywhere: from doors, window frames, flooring, furniture and other accessories. You can also add other natural materials such as hemp, wool, steel or felt create a harmonious "mix".
6. The front door

The front door is your link to the world and where energy enters your home. Often neglected, it is important to keep the area around the front door clean and tidy. Sweep up regularly, shake out the welcome carpet, clean the jambs and the door frame and oil the hinges if they are squeaking.
Following these tips, your home will be ready to welcome all the positivity of the New Year!