What is Generation Z's favorite furnishing style? Check out these 5 inspirational trends

Furnishing and decor tastes - like most other things - change over time. Trends and fashions come and go and can also be generational in nature.
For example, whilst the vintage or minimalist styles have been popular in the recent past, it's far from certain that they will remain so those born in the late 90's or early 2000's - also know as Generation Z (Gen Z, Gen Z'ers). In this article, we delve into the furnishing preferences of young Gen Z adults. Are you interested?
1. Vibrant colors

Entering a Gen Z home, you will be struck by the bright, vibrant colors that characterize it. Pink, green, yellow, red, orange: these colors stand out, are striking and are even somewhat flamboyant. The skilful use of color for the furnishings and accessories creates a perfect harmony of energy and eccentricity, highlighting geometric patterning.
Gen Z'ers are bold, and they want to be noticed... and it shows!
2. Maximalism

Gen Z'ers are very individualistic and, although they may be attracted to minimalism, they cannot help their core, exhibitionist nature bubbling to the surface. In fact, Gen Z'ers are more likely to be aficionados of the maximalist trend: maximalism embraces opulence and extravagance, featuring bold patterns, vibrant colors, and an abundance of decorative elements to create a visually rich decor.
And what impact does this have? For those who are not accustomed maximalism it could be off-putting. But for those who want to make a bold statement, the maximalist style is perfect. It's true this style can come across as "ostentatious", but it's certainly unforgettable and original.
3. A passion for checkered patterns

Repeating geometric shapes are a hallmark of the maximalist style. Checkered patterns (like a checkers board) are very popular and can be found all over a Gen Z'ers home in various colors: on rugs and carpets, cushions, living room seats, kitchen tiles, on the walls, or even on accessories placed around the rooms.
Gen Z'ers don't leave anything to chance; they pay attention to every detail, ensuring that everything is in perfect harmony.
4. A love for recycling and nature

Gen Z'ers are sensitive to the fragility of nature and the environment, and, as a result, are avid recyclers. Rather than throw things away and buying new ones, Gen Z'ers tend to recycle and repurpose their resources and possessions wherever possible.
As a result, antique tables, old-fashioned armchairs and wooden or rattan/wicker objects are popular with Gen Z'ers. Lighting and energy efficiency are also important for this generation and furnishing choices are also made with these factors taken into consideration.
5. Eccentric lamps

The choice of lamps for Gen Z'ers also follows the "tenants" of maximalism. Eccentric shapes are favored, with the most popular proving to be lamps that are in the shape of mushrooms. With a thin, tall stem that culminates in an mushroom cap shade (or umbrella), this type of furnishing is defining of this generation's tastes.
Additionally, the colors chosen for the lamp's parts reflect the "soul" of its owner.
A style to "copy"
If you like bright colors, eccentricity, the beauty of geometric shapes and want to boldy "stamp" your personality on your home, then the Gen Z style and decor could be for you.
And there's no need to follow "the rules" rigidly - for this style, you can mix and match as much as you like, injecting your personality into the decor as you go.
What do you think? Is this a style you could be tempted by?