How to hide the TV: 7 practical tips to make this appliance less visible

by Mark Bennett

January 03, 2024

How to hide the TV: 7 practical tips to make this appliance less visible

Keeping the house tidy also sometimes means hiding various objects from view. Amongst the items that many people just can't stand seeing all the time, is the TV. TVs are found and enjoyed in most homes these days, but how can they be "hidden away" without getting rid of them altogether?

There are, in fact, many ways to make a TV (almost) "invisible". Let's check out 7 ways to do this:

1. Shut in a cabinet

1. Shut in a cabinet

aleets12 Torres/Pinterest

This solution involves incorporating the TV with a piece of furniture - a wall cabinet, to be exact. Whether mounted high or low on the wall, the doors of the cabinet need to be able to be closed so that the TV can no longer be seen, as shown in the example here. 


2. Hide it behind a mirror

2. Hide it behind a mirror

The Aesthete/Pinterest

Could you imagine finding a TV behind a mirror? Imagine a guest realizing the mirror can be moved - but what's behind it? Well, the TV, of course! This is a very smart way to hide away a TV and get the functionality of a full-fledged mirror.

3. Embedded in furniture

3. Embedded in furniture

Perhaps you don't want to completely hide your TV, so what can you do? Incorporate it into the furnishings, so that it blends in harmoniously. In the example shown here, placing it in the center of the wooden slatted partion was a great idea, guaranteed to produce a "wow" effect!

4. TV lifts

4. TV lifts

Yes, lifts for TVs do exist! The lifting mechanism is contained within a cabinet, which can be activated when needed. The TV then "emerges" from within the cabinet (and sinks back, out of sight, into it when the TV is not in use). Just remember not to put any ornaments on top of this cabinet!

5. The TV becomes a work of art

5. The TV becomes a work of art

Turn your wall-mounted, flat TV into a work of art. You can use a sliding panel that reveals the TV by being slid up or down, or you can have a tilting panel that opens and closes with a simple touch. There are many options available, and think about how wonderful it will be to have a wonderful work of art to look at when the TV is not in use. Brilliant!


6. Retractable cabinet

6. Retractable cabinet


Set up the TV where you want it, perhaps directly in front of the sofa. Done? Now, enclose the TV in a piece of furniture with a sliding/retractable door or panel. When you want to watch TV, you can easily open the sliding door. To enhance the look, add shelves (and ornaments) to this sliding door/panel. Attractive and useful, don't you think?

7. Camouflage the TV

7. Camouflage the TV

Juliana Shwartzbaum/Pinterest

By itself and mounted on a white wall, the TV will certainly stand out - even becoming a bit of an eyesore. So, how about using a piece of furniture that covers the entire wall with shelves and compartments - with the TV inserted into one of these. Nobody will notice the TV "camouflaged" like this, especially when it is turned off.

These are just 7 ways to make a TV "disappear" in its set location. Other options consist of purchasing a TV which is already a work of art, using curtained doors, or simply hanging a picture over it. In short, just let your imagination run wild!

Does always seeing the TV bother you?
