Duvet too big for your washing machine? Using this procedure, there will be no need to go to the laundromat

Duvets and quilts should be washed while in use at least once every 2 or 3 months to ensure proper hygiene conditions. But typically, duvets are too large to fit into our washing machines and we have to take them to the laundromat.
It goes without saying, of course, that forcing a large duvet or quilt into your home washing machine can cause it to break down and then you will have to undertake expensive repairs.
However, if you want to avoid going to the laundromat, you can wash duvets at home and you just need the bathtub. So, how do we wash duvets and comforters in a bathtub at home exactly? Well, check out the step-by-step procedure detailed below:
1. Preparations

First of all, you need to prepare the bathtub and the duvet or quilt for washing. Clean the bathtub out thoroughly and close seal the plug properly before filling it to the two-thirds mark, adding a capful of detergent to the water as you do so.
And what if one doesn't have a bathtub at home? Well, then you can use a large plastic laundry basin instead, perhaps placing it in the shower cubicle to ensure that the water does not spill out onto the floor.
2. Washing

When the bathtub is ready, immerse your duvet or quilt in the water, making sure it gets completely wet. Leave it in the soapy water for about 5 minutes before emptying the tub (or basin) and filling it again with clean water. Immerse your duvet in this once again, leaving it for another 5 minutes. Repeat this operation until all soapy residue has been washed away.
During this wash, agitate the duvet or quilt to facilitate dirt removal.
3. Rinsing and drying

Now, you can move on to the final step, which is to rinse out the last traces of soap residue and drying.
Wring the duvet or quilt out gently to remove any excess water and hang up to dry, preferably in the open air. Leave out for at least 3 hours, turning the duvet or quilt from time to time to ensure even drying.
Recommended washing frequencies depend on the type of item in question: removable duvet covers need to be washed less often, since these cover can be easily removed and washed together with your sheets; non-removable duvet covers, on the other hand, require at least one wash per season (and preferably more frequently if your pets also sleep on your bed or if someone is recovering from an illness).
Following this 3-step washing procedure should mean fewer trips for you to the laundromat!