Unpleasant odors emanating from your dishwasher? Here's the solution to this problem

by Mark Bennett

December 25, 2023

Unpleasant odors emanating from your dishwasher? Here's the solution to this problem

Have you ever opened the dishwasher after a cycle and been hit by an unpleasant odor coming from inside the drum? No, it's not the dirty dishes, but has other causes. And what can be done to eliminate these bad smells?

There are some products that we use every day that can restore your dishwasher to pristine condition. Read on to find out more:

How can unpleasant odors be eliminated from the dishwasher?

How can unpleasant odors be eliminated from the dishwasher?


Dirt residue, food particles, limescale: these are all potential causes of why your dishwasher may no longer smell like it used to. And this unpleasant smell can create the impression that your dishes are not a clean as you would like them to be. But have you tried using various products to eliminate the smell without any success? Well, try these DIY tips:

  • Wine vinegar: You can spray a little of this product on the crockery before starting a wash cycle, or put a full glass of wine vinegar into the drum and do an empty wash. In both cases, the unpleasant smells should disappear. Furthemore, wine vinegar is also very useful in combating limescale and streaking that be left on glasses.
  • Lemon: Don't have any wine vinegar? No problem. Open the refrigerator and see if you have a lemon. If the answer is yes, squeeze the juice into the drum, exactly as described above. Alternatively, and to speed up the cleansing, you can cut the lemon in half and put it in the drum, either empty or full. You'll be amazed by the result when the wash is finished.
  • Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda): Known not only for its disinfectant abilities, but also for its odor-catching properties, baking soda is excellent when used as deodorizer. A spoonful of baking soda will be enough to get the job done.


Still not satisfied with the results?

Still not satisfied with the results?


If you have tried all the above methods, but are still not satisfied, you should give the dishwasher a deeper cleaning. And how is this done? Well, you could use special products which can be purchased for dishwasher care - or you could use citric acid.

Excellent in combating dirt and grime, put two spoonfuls of citric acid in the drum before starting an empty wash at a high temperature cycle. Grease, grime, food residue and any bad odors will disappear.

Once done, it's important to keep the dishwasher clean so that these problems do not develop again.
