Is your home always messy? Discover the secrets of super-organized families

by Mark Bennett

December 22, 2023

Is your home always messy? Discover the secrets of super-organized families

There are days when the "outside" chores to do seem so numerous and urgent that home care inevitably takes a back seat. Gradually, clutter takes over the home until one day, we look around and realize that our house is a disaster area. In these moments, we often think of families who always have an impeccably tidy homes, and we wonder how they do it!

Each family is unique and has its specific organizational needs and time management requirements. However, there are some characteristics that unite all well-organized families, enabling them to maintain perfectly clean and tidy homes, despite their many daily commitments. It doesn't necessarily require the help of a housekeeper or professional organizers - sometimes the right approach is enough to take control of the situation and get things sorted.

So, what are these characteristics? Let's find out together:

1. Everyone gets involved

1. Everyone gets involved


The first, crucial characteristic of all organized families is the involvement of all family members. Ask the children to help tidy up the pantry by checking expiration dates or to keep their toys in their designated containers. Empowering children from an early age makes them capable helpers, and involving all family members in maintaining order makes it easier to keep your home well-organized.


2. Planning

2. Planning


Planning is essential for the proper organization of a family. Therefore, synchronize the calendars of all family members and plan your tasks accordingly. 

Another way to keep things in order is by labeling everything, so everyone always knows where to find (and put back) things that are used. If there are children at home, ensure that the items they need are always within their reach.

3. Start with the simplest things

3. Start with the simplest things


Begin by addressing the less demanding tasks to experience immediate, satisfying results. This positive reinforcement will motivate you to tackle increasingly complex chores. Progressing in small steps allows you to accumulate victories, leading you towards the ultimate goal.

4. Decluttering

4. Decluttering


Prior to embarking on the organization process, it's crucial to eliminate the unnecessary and anything that's no longer in use. Cleaning and organizing becomes much easier in a space where only essential and useful items remain, as opposed to dealing with unnecessary clutter. Therefore, when you decide to organize, heed the earlier advice of commencing with simpler tasks. Most importantly, declutter by designating a drawer or closet for clothes or items that you or your children no longer need, and gradually empty it as it fills up.

5. Simplify

5. Simplify


Create an organizational system that suits your lifestyle and is easy for you to follow and maintain over time. Whether it's arranging supplies in your pantry, organizing kitchen utensils, or managing your children's toys, simplicity in organization makes it easier to maintain order, even during busier periods.

How would you describe your family – organized or disorganized?
