Afraid of increasing your utility bills by using the dishwasher? Here are some tips for saving money

by Mark Bennett

December 14, 2023

Afraid of increasing your utility bills by using the dishwasher? Here are some tips for saving money

Dealing with monthly bills can be a bit of a headache for most of us. Daily expenses pile up, and it often feels like there's no easy way to save without sacrificing our creature comforts. While household appliances may not be our best friends when it comes to saving on bills, there are some simple tricks that can make a difference over time. It's not about making huge cuts but rather small changes that, when added up, can impact your annual spending.

Take, for example, the dishwasher. Many of us either steer clear of using it altogether or use it sparingly, fearing it might hike up our bills. The trick here isn't to bid farewell to the dishwasher but to pay attention to a few simple precautions.

How to save while using the dishwasher?

How to save while using the dishwasher?


There are various ways to save on the utility bill while still using the dishwasher:

  • Choose appliances rated as energy-efficient. Constant innovations and updates in energy-saving technology make it essential to look for an efficient dishwasher with a favorable energy class, promoting greater savings during the wash cycle.
  • Avoid pre-rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. If you're accustomed to rinsing dishes before loading them into the machine, consider skipping this step. Not only will you use less water, but also less electricity and gas if hot water is involved.
  • Keep the water temperature moderate. While higher temperatures can be beneficial in certain situations, consistently raising them should not become a habit. Increasing the temperature significantly spikes energy consumption.
  • Only run it when fully loaded. Don't operate the dishwasher unless it's fully loaded. Otherwise, you'll end up using more water and electricity.
  • Opt for air or hand drying. Modern dishwashers come with effective drying programs, but they may not always be budget-friendly. To save a bit, consider opening the door at the end of the cycle and letting air handle the drying. Alternatively, if time permits, you can choose to hand dry.


Only a few precautions for maximum efficiency

Only a few precautions for maximum efficiency


The tips mentioned above are easy and quick ways to prevent a significant increase in utility bills while still saving money and continuing to use an appliance that has greatly improved our daily lives. The dishwasher simplifies our lives especially during festive occasions. When we have many guests and a considerable number of dishes to wash, we wouldn't know what to do without the support of this appliance.

Just remember that paying attention to these small precautions is important, and let's never forget to perform proper and regular maintenance. This not only helps extend the lifespan of the dishwasher but also contributes to overall savings.
