Reuse coffee grounds for household cleaning chores

Second only to tea, coffee is one of the most beloved of beverages and its used grounds are usually thrown away. Like most other basic ingredients in our kitchens, however, used coffee grounds can be used for other useful purposes.
Most people know coffee grounds can be used as a plant fertilizer and to repel parasites. Other might remember using coffee grounds to artificially age paper during art lessons at school. But how many of us know that coffee grounds can be used for daily household cleaning chores?
What to know more? Well, keep reading:
1. Clean pots and pans

If you have dirty, grimy pots or pans to clean, coffee grounds can prove extremely effective for this chore. Their slightly abrasive action will help you remove any encrustations and burnt food from the surfaces. Simply sprinkle on the dirty pot/pan and scrub delicately with a damp sponge; then rinse off thoroughly with water.
2. Fireplaces and stoves

Your fireplaces and stoves can also be cleaned effectively with coffee grounds. Sprinkling grounds over fireplace ash will weigh it down, making it easier to remove. Furthermore, doing this will help prevent ash dust from spreading through your house.
3. Neutralize unpleasant odors

Like baking soda, coffee grounds are also great in neutralizing unpleasant odors. As such, they can be placed in a bowl and placed in strategic spots such as the fridge, the freezer, the shoe rack or closets. Alternatively, you can put the grounds inside a sock and then hang it up anywhere.
4. Natural cleaner

For particularly stubborn dirt, you can use the slightly abrasive action of coffee grounds to clean surfaces throughout the house such as sinks, worktops and ovens. Furthermore, thanks to their antimicrobial and antiviral properties, coffee grounds will help keep your home hygenic.
Just be careful not to use this remedy on porous surfaces, which could get stained.
5. Natural dye

We all know how difficult it is to remove coffee stains from fabrics, so why not take advantage of this property to dye fabrics and hair? Coffee grounds are natural and valid alternatives for commercial products for fabric and hair dyes. Simply place the grounds in water and immerse the fabric (or your hair) into this mixture.
6. Repair scratched furniture

Wooden furniture can get scratched very easily and repairing the damage is not always that simple. A thick paste made with coffee grounds and water and then applied for 5-10 minutes on the scratched surface will help to hide any unsightly scratches.
7. Flea control for pets

Fleas, like many other parasites, do not like the smell of coffee and, if your pet is sensitive to commercial flea-repelling chemicals, you could consider using coffee grounds. Simply rub the grounds onto your pet's fur, rinsing/brushing off after a short wait.
This remedy may not be effective if your pet is heavily infested and could be harmful to dogs if ingested.
Did you already know about these alternative uses for coffee grounds?