Clean and polish marble effectively and safely using natural products

by Mark Bennett

December 05, 2023

Clean and polish marble effectively and safely using natural products

Marble is one of the most popular materials used for high-quality surfaces, floors, and worktops for the kitchen or bathroom. A durable and resistant natural stone, marble is, however, extremely delicate at the same time. It can easily be scratched by dirt or dust and it can be irreparably stained or damaged by accidental spills of liquids such as coffee, tea, red wine, tomatoes, or citrus juice.

Moreover, being composed of calcium carbonate, unsealed marble can also be damaged by acidic substances commonly used for household cleaning, such as citric acid, white alcohol vinegar, apple cider vinegar, and white wine vinegar.

Because of its delicacy, it is necessary to pay careful attention when cleaning marble to prevent it from getting damaged.

So, how do you clean marble using just natural products? Let's find out below:

Daily care for marble surfaces

Daily care for marble surfaces


Marble surfaces - and especially marble floors - require daily care to remain pristine.

For marble floors, the first thing to do is to protect the areas of high traffic (like the entryway). For this purpose, use carpets and mats and do not wear shoes inside the home.

Sweep the floors daily with a soft bristled brush or a microfibre cloth to remove dust; if you use a vacuum cleaner, use the attachments for hard surfaces and always keep the wheels clean.

For kitchen and bathroom worktops or tiles, make sure to dry the surfaces immediately after they get wet and dust off regularly with a soft microfibre cloth.

To wash marble surfaces, use a delicate detergent such as a solution of water and Marseille soap.


How to remove stains from marble

How to remove stains from marble

Govi Reddy/Flickr

Unsealed marble is a porous material and can therefore stain very easily if liquids are accidentally spilled on it. For this reason, it is vital to act immediately to prevent a spill from being absorbed by the marble surface. You can remove stains with 2 simple remedies:

  • Hydrogen peroxide: perfect for eliminating stubborn stains - but only from light marble - you will need to apply the hydrogen peroxide to a cloth or paper towel and place this on the stain, covering it with transparent film and placing a weight on it to ensure contact; leaving to act overnight.
  • Sodium bicarbonate: make a paste with a little water and apply to the stain. Cover with transparent film and put a weight on top. After 24 hours, the stains should be gone.
  • Mix the two previous ingredients together to remove limescale stains from marble.

What about polishing? Just sprinkle some chalk or baking soda on the surface, rub gently with a damp cloth and leave to dry before removing with a clean cloth.

Your marble surfaces will stay clean and look great!
