Remove lint and fur from clothes: easy methods to try to keep your clothes pristine

by Mark Bennett

December 03, 2023

Remove lint and fur from clothes: easy methods to try to keep your clothes pristine

Anyone with dogs or cats at home knows that every day is a constant battle against the fur of our beloved pets spreading around everywhere: shed fur gets on floors, sofas and even on our clothes. It's a battle that will probably never be won, but certainly, efforts can be focused on removing fur from specific clothing items when it's crucial to appear neat and tidy.

In addition to pet fur, sometimes lint, generated while washing or drying, can be a problem. That said, there are ways to deal with bothersome fur and lint on our clothes. Keep reading:

Removing lint and fur: the most common methods for doing this

Removing lint and fur: the most common methods for doing this

cottonbro studio/Pexels

The first tool that comes to mind for removing lint/fur is the adhesive (sticky) roller. This is rolled over the garment so that the adhesive surface captures all the lint and fur on the fabric. There are common, disposable versions where the entire adhesive roller is discarded once the adhesive sheets are used up. There are also adhesive rollers made with a slightly sticky rubber-like material that can be washed and reused multiple times.

Electric devices designed for this purpose are also very popular, and work by "shaving" the fabric, eliminating (in particular) lint balls/pilling.


DIY methods for removing lint and fur from clothes

DIY methods for removing lint and fur from clothes


You might not have the tools mentioned above, so you need to get creative. There are two tips to try that can work wonders in an "emergency" situation:

  • Microfiber cloth: Considering that one of the main reasons lint and fur adhere to fabrics is electrostatic energy, microfiber cloths become formidable allies in removing them. You can eliminate the bulk by rubbing a dry and clean cloth over (dry) clothes, and you'll see it works just like sticky rollers. You can also use the cloth directly in the dryer. Place two or three dry microfiber cloths along with the load of clothes to be dried. This way, any remaining lint and fur on the fabrics will be trapped by the cloths.
  • Dryer fabric softener sheets: These also work well against lint, especially when used along with microfiber cloths during the drying cycle. They are quite effective even when rubbed over dry clothes.

Habits that help prevent pet hair from getting on your clothes

To prevent the fur from pets from constantly ending up on our clothes, there are several habits you can adopt that can be helpful:

  • Sweep or vacuum floors frequently.
  • Vacuum fur from upholstery (sofas, armchairs, etc.) as often as possible, and from the covers/sheets/blankets we use.
  • Brush your pets regularly to remove as much fur as possible in one go.
  • Shake out pillows and bed/kennel linen where our furry friends like to spend time frequently.
  • In addition to microfiber cloths, use dish sponges in the washing machine, as they help capture fur on fabrics/clothes and prevent it from ending up in filters.

In short, it's a constant "battle," but it's not impossible to keep the upperhand!
