Is the mess at home testing your patience? Restore order by taking advantage of the change of season

by Mark Bennett

December 01, 2023

Is the mess at home testing your patience? Restore order by taking advantage of the change of season

It is often the case that, at the end of one season and the beginning of the next, we change our closets/wardrobes. This means transforming the contents of the closets from summer to autumn/winter-wear (and vice versa). And these seasonal closet-changes are an opportunity to reorganize our homes - or, at least, our wardrobes, dressers, closets and so on.

Taking advantage of these seasonal changes is the ideal way to determine what we actually have and what we can get rid of. Do you usually do this? If the answer is no and you are terrified at the mere idea of opening the closets and taking everything out, it's time to find the courage to do so.

Change of season, bringing order to the home

Change of season, bringing order to the home

Rachel Claire/Pexels

Do you know what is meant by the term "seasonal decluttering"? Well, it's the time of year when you can take advantage of the change in the weather to tidy up and get rid of unwanted, unneeded stuff. Within our homes, a lot of things tend to accumulate, often ending up never being used. But these things take up space and should be dealt with.

Since there are four seasons, there are four opportunities to declutter your home (and mind!). Having a lot of clutter around can cause us stress and discomfort. So, let's get on with it...


Go from one room to the next...

Go from one room to the next...

Christopher Moon/Pexels

Start in the room which is the most "chaotic" and take everything out of the furniture units. Sort out all the things as you do so:

Bedroom: Let's get rid of all the clothes we no longer wear. Let's recycle or donate them, but let's not keep them in the closets taking up space.

Living room: Should we get rid of all those knick-knacks we bought years ago, but which we no longer like? Let's keep them if we really can't part with them, but get rid of all the others.

Kitchen: Empty out all the kitchen units. Get rid of any broken appliances, items you never/seldom use and throw away any expired food. This will help make more space and also avoid waste.

Bathroom: There's always too many cosmetic products laying around here. Keep the most useful and get rid of the rest. If they are new but we won't use them, gift or donate them to charity. 

Tidy up the entryway

Tidy up the entryway


There's a part of the house that we often overlook because it's a transitional space. We're talking about the entryway to the house. It's the place where we take off our shoes, where we leave our coats and bags and where we greet our guests. Despite this, this area often gets neglected.

It's important to maintain order and remove clutter from the entryway to ensure harmony in the home. To do this, you can consider placing a piece of furniture in the entryway to keep bags and coats inside instead of leaving them out. The key is to prevent mess from developing in the area that greets us every day.

Make it a habit

Moving from room to room, the goal is to tidy up and get rid of things we haven't used in a while (if at all). It doesn't take much time, and, especially if done consistently at each seasonal change, it will become quicker each time. If we can't stick to the seasonal deadlines, don't worry. Special occasions can also be a great opportunity. For example, as the holiday season approaches, it might be a good time to organize the home in preparation for guests or for a birthday, a wedding, or some other important event.

In short, just remember to do this chore - maybe even by jotting it down in your agenda - and order will be restored to your home in a jiffy. What do you think, will you do this?
