Is the bottom of your favorite pan dirty? Make it look like new again with simple DIY methods

by Mark Bennett

November 27, 2023

Is the bottom of your favorite pan dirty? Make it look like new again with simple DIY methods

The outside bottoms of pots and pans get dirty continuously: sometimes they get splashed with food, or liquids, fats, or oils and get burned on the bottoms. Over time, burn stains and grime build up, and even if we wash the pots and pans every time they are used, these stains often remain.

However, it's not impossible to remove those stains and burnt marks; you just need a bit of patience and the right remedy. Here are some suggestions for you:

Clean the bottom of pots and pans with baking soda or vinegar

Clean the bottom of pots and pans with baking soda or vinegar


After a regular washing, if stains seem to be stuck on the bottom of a pot or pan, try using baking soda.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Make a paste with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and one of water, which you will spread over the pot/pan. After 20-30 minutes, take an abrasive sponge or a dish brush and scrub thoroughly, to remove the grime.
  • If this doesn't give you the desired results, try another method: wet the pan with a little water, then sprinkle  baking soda over it (which will adhere to the bottom). Let it sit for an entire night. Then, scrub the bottom using a brush with nylon bristles, and rinse off with warm water.

Another way to dissolve dirt and grime is with white vinegar.

In this case, too, you must ensure that the liquid stays in contact with the bottom of the pot/pan for a sufficient amount of time, and there are two ways to do this:

  • If the grime is only on the flat bottom, you can take a large enough baking tray to place the pan inside, pour in vinegar to create a thin layer, and place the pan in it. After a few hours, you can scrub and rinse off with water and soap.
  • Spray vinegar on the bottom of the pan/pot, place absorbent paper sheets on it, making sure they adhere completely and spraying them again with white vinegar. Wait for about an hour, then remove the paper, washing the pan thoroughly.


Other methods to clean burn marks

Other methods to clean burn marks

Ed, Moneta/Amazon

  • Similar to vinegar, you can use lemon juice, which might need to remain in contact with the bottom for a longer period.
  • Alternatively, you can try using an oven cleaner. These detergents are designed specifically to dissolve and remove burnt-on dirt and grime from the metal walls of the oven, so they can also work on the bottom of a pans/pots too.
  • Another acidic substance used in these cases is ketchup: apply a thin but uniform layer on the bottom and let it sit for about half an hour or a bit longer. Then scrub and rinse. Usually, this method also manages to make the metal bottoms of pans shiny again and is recommended even for copper utensils!

Good habits to avoid burning the bottom of pots and pans

Good habits to avoid burning the bottom of pots and pans

Niki Nagy/Pexels

The best thing you can do is make sure to wash pots and pans well after each use. Don't wait for the dirt to penetrate the metal. If you see burnt marks, use baking soda, vinegar, or one of the other remedies above immediately. Also, be careful not to place the pan, especially if still hot, on dirty surfaces.

What method do you usually use to clean the bottom of your favorite pot or pan?
