Do you want to clean the insides of units, cabinets and drawers in the kitchen? Here's how to eliminate dirt residue and bad odors

by Mark Bennett

November 28, 2023

Do you want to clean the insides of units, cabinets and drawers in the kitchen? Here's how to eliminate dirt residue and bad odors

The furniture in the house gets dirty continuously, and it's necessary to be regular in cleaning to avoid spending too much time when finally deciding to tidy up. The more frequently cleaning is done, the less time it will take each time to get a clean and fresh-smelling house. Certain areas, especially the kitchen, tend to get dirtier than others. To prevent the kitchen from getting sticky, filled with unpleasant odors, and chaos, it's essential to clean both the exteriors and interiors of the kitchen units/cabinets.

How can we achieve the best results with minimal effort? Here are some smart ways to thoroughly organize and freshen up the kitchen.

What causes dirt buildup in the kitchen?

What causes dirt buildup in the kitchen?

Liliana Drew/Pexels

The kitchen is one of the rooms in the house that we use the most, preparing tasty dishes for our family. Like all environments, however, it gets dirty easily, so regular cleaning becomes necessary. Beyond dust, which is the main enemy of cleanliness, the kitchen has grease buildups; the vapors from pots, pans, and the oven "stick" to the furniture, and odors get into the materials.

This not only affects the exteriors of the kitchen cabinets but also the interiors where, among other things, food residue can accumulate. Not to mention that many foods stored inside units may have expired, perhaps without us realizing it.

However, there are ways to keep the kitchen organized and fragrant, and you just need to know about them:


How to clean kitchen furniture

How to clean kitchen furniture


Once the exterior of the kitchen units are cleaned, you can move on to cleaning the interiors. While the exteriors should be cleaned several times a month, the cleaning of the interiors can be done less frequently.

The steps to clean the interiors of our kitchen units are quick and simple:

  • Empty: Take everything out of cabinets and drawers, such as dishes and food. This is also an opportunity to decide whether to keep all items and check that the foods have not expired. Expired items, in particular, could compromise cleanliness by attracting ants or other insects.
  • Vacuum: Once the space is completely cleared, use a vacuum cleaner to remove any residue, small or large.
  • Wash with water, soap, and vinegar: Take a clean cloth, moisten it, and wipe the shelves, perhaps with a bit of dish soap or a few drops of vinegar. Vinegar is an excellent ally for combating and preventing moths and will help eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Dry: Once the cleaning with the damp cloth is complete, thoroughly dry the interior of your furniture to ensure no traces of moisture remain.
  • Put things back: After completing these steps, you can put everything back in place and organize it according to your needs. For additional cleanliness, if time allows, you can wipe everything you're putting away with a cloth to eliminate any dust residues.

Perfect cleaning

Perfect cleaning

Kotivalo/Wikimedia Commons - CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

The important thing about this interior cleaning, is to never forget to clean thoroughly, even in the corners and crevices, so that dirt does not "nestle" and does not turn into stubborn buildups.

These few simple steps will ensure that your kitchen never looks unkempt, dirty or old. It will always smell fresh and clean too.
