Home organization: let's discover the new trends coming in 2024

Organization of the home is an essential condition for living serenely. Scientific studies show that living in a tidy and organized environment improves physical and psychological well-being, and is also an excellent way to save money. That's why new products and techniques are introduced every year to help with home organization.
Professional organizers are always ready to advise on the best way to organize our homes. Although the needs remain the same, the methods used, as well as the way homes can be furnished and arranged to reflect our lifestyle and habits, are constantly changing.
This is why new organization and storage products are constantly available to make our lives easier. Below, we provide you with the forecasts from professional organizers regarding home storage solutions for 2024.
1. Space-saving items

Our homes are becoming smaller, and the need to resort to space-saving elements for furniture and organization is becoming more important in our lives. That's why organizational professionals predict that space-saving elements will be a strong trend in 2024. Under-bed containers, folding tables, shelves above doors, or hanging, under-cabinets are increasingly sought-after solutions.
2. Emotions on display

While we are accustomed to avoiding making an association between objects and emotions, at some point in our lives, we all realize the importance that memories - symbolized by something material (a memento) - can hold. That's why it will be increasingly common for objects that evoke emotions to be showcased and displayed.
There are many ways in which our mementos can be displayed in our homes: for example, we can integrate them into the shelves of our bookcases, create a dedicated "gallery" to exhibit our photographs and our children's drawings, or collect smaller, special items in glass containers or boxes to be kept on shelves or coffee tables.
3. Laundry and storage room

As living spaces become increasingly smaller, it can be challenging to carve out a separate room for the laundry, especially when it comes to considering storage space for supplies, laundry accessories, and dirty clothes. The ideal solution is to merge the two rooms (the laundry room and the storage room), creating a laundry room that also serves as a storage area. This design may include cabinets, drawers, hangers and benches next to the washer and dryer, allowing you to store jackets, coats, shoes, umbrellas, as well as the laundry that needs to be washed and ironed. This way, not only do you not have to sacrifice one of the two furniture solutions, but you can also improve the organization of your laundry since everything you need can be found in one area of the house.
4. The wellness room

In recent years, many of us have rediscovered the pleasure of taking care of ourselves within the comfort of our homes, partly due to the enforced stay-at-home mandates related to the pandemic. Our homes have gradually filled up with specific products for holistic well-being, ranging from cosmetic products for maintaining healthy skin and hair to equipment for setting up a home gym, and even diffusers and incense to enhance concentration and meditation.
Whether you need a corner to retreat to for rest and reading, practicing yoga, or engaging in intense fitness sessions, it's important to continue providing yourself with a space entirely dedicated to your well-being. Consider sacrificing the guest room, the home office, the garage (or a portion of these), and set up your own personal wellness room. Your body and mind will thank you.
5. The garage also needs a look

It might be time to step into your garage and give it a makeover, eliminating the unnecessary and everything else that should be stored elsewhere, restoring its original function, or perhaps transforming it into something new. While it's true that our garages should serve as a storage spaces for seasonal items, it's equally true that we shouldn't turn it into a dumping ground. Otherwise, we risk doubling our efforts when searching for what we need.
Clear away unnecessary items and provide your garage with new solutions for organizing your belongings, from well-organized shelves to overhead storage containers. Who knows, you might even manage to turn it into a gym that won't fit inside your house.
6. Always pay attention to nature

The focus on nature and the shift towards a sustainable lifestyle is no longer just a trend but a well-established mindset that will continue in the years to come. Choosing eco-friendly solutions for organizing and furnishing our homes is becoming increasingly easier as many companies are now moving in this direction.
It's not just about purchasing environmentally friendly solutions but also recycling old items that would otherwise end up in the trash. Sometimes, what we have at home may not be sufficient to meet all our needs, but looking at our belongings with fresh eyes and thinking about them creatively can make a difference.
Are you ready for organizing your home for 2024?