Never forget about these often-neglected home furnishing items

When decorating a room, we tend to think about the colors for the floor and walls, the furniture, and perhaps the accessories that add a personal touch. Yet, there is always an element that, besides being functional, can be an opportunity to express one's style, but is often neglected.
Let's talk about curtains: some people don't put them up at all - especially if there's no need to shield a room against the sun or prying eyes; others opt for functional solutions that don't have much character (like boring blinds, for example). That said, curtains can be used to express our personal tastes and proclivities.
Curtains to help us regulate the temperature

Curtains not only help us decorate a room, but they are also crucial in temperature control. By shielding us from the sun in the summer, they prevent excessive heat buildup, and without them, air conditioning systems would have to work harder. In the colder seasons, on the other hand, they serve the opposite purpose: we keep them open during the day to let in light and heat, but we should always draw them when the sun sets.
Considering that light, sheer curtains wouldn't serve this purpose properly in the fall and winter, we need to use heavier ones.
Curtains for every season

Light, breathable, and swaying in the breeze: these are linen, thin cotton, or even gauze curtains that look beautiful in late spring and summer.
In autumn and winter, on the other hand, we can emphasize the mood of the season by putting up velvet curtains - heavy and warm, perfect for the winter setting in our homes.
Colors to match the furnishings

For every season and room, curtains framing the windows are an important visual elements. When you think about it, they are large and conspicuous, so they can contribute to the aesthetic in every room.

Neutral colors are a safe choice, but bolder ones can be the best way to liven up the decor. In this case, we can also consider embroidered textures or floral and geometric prints. The graphic design and craftsmanship of fabrics are as important as any other element contributing to the home's decor.
Use curtains to divide space

Curtains become even more essential to the decor when we want to separate one area from another within the same location. Consider a scenario like the one in the photo: a bedroom that also includes a space to be used as an office. The desk is near the window, and when we want to isolate ourselves from the rest of the room, simply drawing the curtains allows us to work without the bed "peeping over our shoulders", and vice versa.
Curtains, blinds, long drapes: there is a size and model for every need

There's more than just floor-to-ceiling curtains. These are, of course, eminantly suitable for rooms like the living room or the bedroom. But in the kitchen, bathroom, or wherever there are smaller windows, we can consider using drapes or blinds, which can also add a touch of color. And these can be made of bamboo, straw, canvas, and more!
Curtains and lights?

Check out this elegant effect: this soft light falls on the curtains, produced by light fittings in a recess in the ceiling above the curtains.

Or you can create a fairy-like atmosphere by hanging up strings of tiny lights that will appear to be sewn into the curtain fabric itself!
These are just some of the infinite possibilities for decorating your home with curtains: it's a shame to miss out on this opportunity, right?