Make a couple of DIY liquid detergents for all the surfaces in your home

A floor cleaner/detergent, one for dishes, one for sanitary ware, one for steel surfaces, and so on: we can't always have a specific product for every single material in the house to hand. And when we run out of one (or more) of these and/or we find ourselves wishing for just one or two, multi-purpose cleaning products, we can make them ourselves.
Making a multi-purpose detergent at home is not difficult at all and can be significantly more cost-effective. Here are two very simple versions to try - they are easy to prepare and use ingredients that we probably already have at home!
Making DIY detergent with grated soap

Marco Verch Professional Photographer (CC BY 2.0)
If you have solid Marseille soap at home (or even a block of yellow, soft potash soap), this is the perfect base ingredients for making a DIY liquid detergent.
- Grate the soap on a cutting board, sufficient for about 4 tablespoons.
- Transfer the soap to a glass jar.
- Add 300 ml of very hot water.
- If you want, add a few drops of essential oil (lavender, lemon, mint, tea tree are all excellent options) - 5 drops will suffice.
- Mix well.
When the mixture is cool, you can transfer it to a plastic bottle or any container you like and use it as needed on any surface. It is very gentle and works well on surfaces like marble or granite.
A detergent made with vinegar, toothpaste and baking soda

A remedy to try for removing dirt and grime from pots and lids, as well as for washing sinks and cooking surfaces, is one that uses white vinegar, toothpaste and baking soda.
In a jar or measuring pitcher, pour a near-full cup of white vinegar, then squeeze in a bit of toothpaste, and add a tablespoon of baking soda. Mix everything thoroughly and transfer it to a half-liter bottle.
Now, you just need to pour a bit of this mixture onto a sponge or cloth to be able to wash and clean the various surfaces in your home. As it's a very liquid DIY detergent, be careful not to spill it or pour it directly onto the surfaces you want to clean. This mixture is excellent for removing stubborn dirt!
Remember not to overdo it with the toothpaste (the amount you use on your teeth should be fine) and use the type without granules. If you don't like the idea of using toothpaste, you can try replacing it with a drop or two (but no more!) of dishwashing liquid.
Ready to clean your entire home using just two detergents?