Cultivation and care of Poinsettias: how to make them bloom every year

Recognized as one of the quintessential symbols of Christmas, the Poinsettia is a plant native to Mexico, whose star-shaped leaves make it a distinctive and highly decorative "ornament" highly appreciated during the festive holidays. And it has the ability to brighten up our homes throughout the entire winter season.
Not everyone knows that in the wild, Poinsettias are large trees that can reach up to 4 meters in height. Yet, as potted plants, they can thrive for years.
The main reason these plants wither and die at the end of the cold season is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about the necessary care to keep them healthy. This includes correct positioning, adequate lighting, proper watering, and protection from hot and cold drafts.
In this short guide, we will explain everything you need to know about cultivating and caring for the Poinsettia, helping you to enjoy your plant for years.
Care and cultivation of the Poinsettia

The first important thing to do after purchasing a Poinsettia, is to protect it from temperature fluctuations, both during the journey home and in its final position. Be careful to shield it from the cold during the trip back from the store, and once home, place it away from doors, windows, and radiators to prevent exposure to drafts or wild temperature swings.
Between February and April, the plant may lose its leaves, but this is part of its normal vegetative cycle. With proper care, you can enjoy seeing its foliage throughout the year. This period is also ideal for repotting, to be done when the plant has shed most of its leaves, transferring it to a slightly larger pot.
Pruning should be done by the end of spring, but only to maintain the plant at the desired size and eliminate dry leaves, (and using a very sharp, sterile cutter).
Regarding watering, be cautious about water stagnation, so water in small doses only when the soil is dry. In summer, watering should be more frequent and abundant than in winter, ensuring that the air humidity is maintained at 50-60%.
The optimal light conditions will determine its reblooming cycle, and we will discuss this in detail below.
The right lighting for a Poinsettia

The Poinsettia is a short-day plant and therefore requires multiple hours of darkness to bloom. This means that during summer, you can leave it outdoors - exposing it to direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. But the moment it resumes its growth in September, the plant needs periods of complete darkness. The ideal pattern to follow is 16 hours of complete darkness followed by 8 hours of light, making sure to rotate the plant periodically so that it is illuminated on all sides.
During the dark hours, the Poinsettia does not tolerate artificial lights either. It is recommended to protect it overnight in a room with no illumination (even by streetlights) or cover it with a bag that prevents the passage of light. At sunrise, you can expose it again.
If you do this for about 10 weeks, your Poinsettia will bloom beautifully during the holiday season in December.
Good luck with your Poinsettia!