The best ingredients to use to clean and descale stovetops effortlessly

by Mark Bennett

November 21, 2023

The best ingredients to use to clean and descale stovetops effortlessly

Some objects in the house seem destined to get (and stay) dirty: the more you clean them, the dirtier and messier they appear. Unfortunately, neglecting a cleaning routine can dramatically worsen the situation, and stovetops are a clear example of this. Certainly, they are used practically every day (sometimes multiple times a day), and this use obviously dirties them up.

However, a major issue lies in how they are maintained and cleaned: a quick wipe with a damp sponge is not enough to make them pristine again, and this certainly isn't enough to remove any stubborn dirt build-up. So, what can be done? It's easy: keep reading for some great tips!

The most effective remedies for stovetop cleaning

The most effective remedies for stovetop cleaning


Whether it's everyday dirt or more stubborn grime, it's not a problem – you just need to know how to approach the problem. Here are the best cleaning solutions:

  • Water and baking soda: The secret to this solution lies in creating a paste of the right density. First, generously sprinkle baking soda on the stovetop, then add water until you have a "cream." Another crucial factor is the sponge used for scrubbing – always use a soft one capable of absorbing and retaining the liquid. Slightly moisten the sponge with water and start scrubbing until all the dirt is completely removed.
  • Water and vinegar: Another exceptional combination that has surprisingly impressive results. Use equal parts of water and vinegar, then pour the solution into a spray bottle. Mist the affected surface and then use a slightly damp cloth for scrubbing the dirt. This procedure is particularly recommended as a "second step" after removing the most stubborn dirt first: it will make your stovetop shine without leaving any stains, but there is a caveat! Vinegar dries quickly, so it's necessary to remove any excess quickly, perhaps using paper towels.

Finally, we want to introduce you to a homemade cleaner that you won't be able to do without going forward! Keep reading...


Homemade cleaner for everyday use

Homemade cleaner for everyday use


Using baking soda or vinegar is great for cleaning chores. However, perhaps you're someone who wants to always have a quick and long-lasting cleaner readily to hand. Well, we are about to grant your wish!

All you need to do is get some yellow soap and sodium percarbonate. Cut off a generous slice of yellow soap and place it in a saucepan, then melt it over low heat.

As soon as the soap turns liquid, slowly pour in the sodium percarbonate. Stir slowly until it all dissolves; if needed, dilute the mixture with a bit of water to ensure it stays liquid. At this point, all that's left is to transfer the detergent into a spray bottle, ready to tackle any kind of dirt!

The secret ingredient everyone talks about

The secret ingredient everyone talks about


And now, the latest trend: using yellow cornmeal. Strange but true, this trend seems to be taking the internet by storm.

Yes, we're talking about the ingredient commonly used to make polenta (cornmeal pap), and yes, you can use it in the kitchen, but not as a culinary ingredient but rather for cleaning! Its granular consistency makes it ideal to be rubbed on surfaces, acting as an "abrasive" but without causing damage.

The method is quite simple: sprinkle the cornmeal on the stovetop and proceed to scrub with a damp sponge - it's that simple! Incredible, isn't it? What do you think about this cleaning method?

