Keep insects away from woodpiles by using some simple tips

by Mark Bennett

October 23, 2023

Keep insects away from woodpiles by using some simple tips

You may have heard about so-called "bug hotels". These "hotels" are the product of DIY projects to create insect "resorts" in the garden - and this is usually done by stacking up wood into a pile. In fact, woodpiles are a popular spot for insects all year round. And these are great as long as the insects don't enter our homes (or cause damage in the garden).

So, given we have/need a woodpile for the winter, how do we ensure insects won't migrate from the woodpile to our homes?

Insects in woodpiles

Insects in woodpiles

There are many types of insects that can take up residence in woodpiles, depending on where you are in the world. Amongst those we don't want are wasps, termites, bedbugs and carpenter ants.

These insects can damage our homes and can also be harmful to ourselves and our pets. And, in this case, the best approach is in the old addage that "prevention is better than cure".


Useful tips for woodpiles

Useful tips for woodpiles

  • Keep the wood dry and exposed to the sun: the drier the wood, the less hospitable it will be for insects. Additionally, it is also a good idea to stack the wood on some raised support, such as pallets, which ensure a passage of air under the stack, reducing humidity build-up.
  • Avoid placing woodpiles close to trees: trees can be placed at risk by some insects (which could burrow into the nearby trees).
  • When adding wood to the pile, always move the older pieces to the front so they are used first: this will ensure insects don't settle in an undisturbed spot.
  • Never keep firewood indoors for more than a day or two: when it's cold, it's natural to load up so you don't have to go outside for more. But having wood indoors attracts various insects just as it does outdoors.
  • Shake/bang the pieces of wood vigorously before bringing them into the house to knock off any "uninvited guests".

Homemade insect deterrents

Homemade insect deterrents


Here is some advice from pest control specialists to deter insects from settling in your woodpile:

  • Make a spray using distilled water and peppermint essential oil: Spray on the woodpile and this may make the pile inhospitable for insects;
  • Do the same by using citrus peels, or lemon essential oil;
  • Vinegar: spreading a little vinegar on the ground around the woodpile every few days, can create a sort of barrier that acts as an insect deterrent.

Would you carry out this advice?
